- 名the ten states of living beings

Adopted the methods of the documentary analysis and observation statistics , this study summarized the situation of Zhejiang Tennis Team in the preliminary contest of the 10th National Sports Meeting .
That day VM was using his soft voice talking about the ten Dharma Realms .
Secret codes are not in themselves " transcendence " . Therefore , Holy Tantra Ten Dharma Realms'Mandalas and Six Universes'Tri-Tantra Dharani are also not " transcendence " Itself .
Then , not only will the six paths put forth light , but all of the ten dharma realms will become the " great light bright treasury " .
Its massive size reflects equally massive changes that have reshaped the ocean shipping industry over the past decade as carriers build ever-bigger ships to capture economies of scale in fuel and crew costs .
Growth and formation of fullerenes and other carbon clusters has presented a mechanistic puzzle to physical and organic chemists .
The days of bold global moves may have passed , but hedge funds continued to shape the financial world of the 2000s , supplying cash to projects from Moscow shopping centres to Brazilian farms .
Since the last decade , study on the Chinese literature of the 20th century in view of specific regional culture has become the key subject in the academic field and the important view and method in the study of literature .
Whole-spacecraft vibration isolation systems can effectively reduce environment load during the launch stage , and be significant to improve reliability of spacecrafts and reduce launch cost . It is becoming a new technology for spaceflight to develop in the past decade .
Researchers were able to grow the independent sections of mouse skin tissue thanks to an advance from nearly a decade ago , when the scientific community learned how to take young cells and reprogram them to grow into a different kind of cell .