
  • Array
  1. 有时候我最好的朋友可真是个二百五(十三点)。昨天他居然用他的车来压我的脚!

    My best friend is so moronic sometimes . Yesterday he ran my foot over with his car !

  2. 十三点K,当然是主耶稣,王中之王。

    The King stands for Jesus , for he is the King of all kings .

  3. 本文讨论了一种三迭加HPP十三点模型,通过选择适当的平衡分布及参数,并用Chapman-Enskog展开和多尺度技术导出了Navier-Stokes方程。

    Choosing the parameters of the functions of the equilibrium distribution appropriately and using Chapman-Enskog expansion and muti-scale technique can derive Navier-Stokes equation .

  4. 第十三点:我们如何知道我们遇到了真理?

    No. 13 : So how do we know when we cross the truth ?

  5. 十三点射影平面的一个模型

    A model of the projective plane with thirteen-points

  6. 百分之十三点二的小学生和百分之十一的中学生过胖/痴肥。

    The rate of obesity was13.2 per cent in primary schools and11 per cent in secondary school .

  7. 我本该在十二点三十分来开会,但我可能要到十三点三十分才能到。

    I was supposed to be at the meeting at twelve thirty but I 'm probably not going to make it until thirteen thirty .

  8. K波段频率源为十三个点频,步进100MHz,通过外部三位TTL串行控制信号来控制频率切换。

    K band frequency synthesizer has thirteen spots switching by an external TTL serial control signal .

  9. 共计算了设计转速下的十三个工况点,并绘制了压气机特性曲线。

    Thirteen working conditions of the compressor stage are calculated at the design rotational speed and the compressor characteristic curves are obtained .

  10. 当时钟敲十三时是几点了?

    What time is it when the clock strikes thirteen ?

  11. 数字变换器控制方案采取了十三块波开关点预置最优SP-WM控制和动态波形的校正技术,明显改善了变换器的性能。

    Control scheme of digital inverter uses 13 wave switching node preset optimum SPWM , and the dynamic waveform correcting technology .