
juàn yǒng
  • meaningful
隽永 [juàn yǒng]
  • [meaningful] [言辞、诗文或其他事物]意味深长,引人入胜

  • 通论战国时说士权变,亦自序其说,凡八十一首,号曰《隽永》。--《汉书.蒯通传》

  • 语颇隽永,耐人寻味

隽永[juàn yǒng]
  1. 语颇隽永,耐人寻味。

    The remarks are meaningful and thought-provoking .

  2. 诗歌是一种特殊的文学样式,言简意赅、含义隽永。

    Poetry is a special kind of literary style , concise but meaningful .

  3. 由玛丽-凯特(Mary-Kate)和阿什利•奥尔森(AshleyOlsen)姐妹创办于2006年的品牌TheRow因其“闲适隽永的优雅感”而拥趸如云;

    The Row - founded by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen in 2006 - has built a following for essaying " relaxed and timeless elegance . "

  4. 与五名家人在香港一套小公寓里长大的林隽永师从香港芭蕾舞界的泰斗王仁曼(JeanM.Wong),从7岁开始在她创办的芭蕾舞学校的一个小型分校上舞蹈课。

    He grew up in a small Hong Kong apartment with five relatives and started taking dance lessons at age 7 at a small branch of a chain of schools run by Jean M. Wong , the grande dame of the territory 's ballet teachers .

  5. 世界名酒&茅台,回味隽永,使人难以忘怀。

    The world-famous Maotai liquor leaves an unforgettaBle pleasant aftertaste .

  6. 在艺术上体现出一种清新隽永的田园诗的风格。

    Artistically , it reflects a delicate and significant style of pastoral poetry .

  7. 演出结束后,林隽永腼腆地在后台接受心存敬畏的学生们的祝贺。

    After the performance , Mr. Lam shyly accepted congratulations from awe-stuck students backstage .

  8. 这种无名人物小说具有深刻隽永的思想文化内涵,其创作价值值得特别重视。

    The profound cultural connotation embodied in the stories with nameless characters deserves study .

  9. 寓意隽永的象征&试论乔伊斯短篇小说的象征艺术

    Profound Symbols in James Joyce 's Short Stories

  10. 22.你就像首清新隽永的诗歌。

    22.You are like poetry in motion .

  11. 文心至性清淡隽永&论白马湖散文作家群的创作风格

    Simplicity and Fertility & On Literary Creation Style of Essayist Group from White Horse Lake

  12. 简洁与空灵,透出作品的淡雅与隽永。

    The simplicity and lightness of the picture gives a sense of elegance and profoundness .

  13. 沙利文可以从几项细节中写出隽永的故事,其中饱含比喻和想象。

    Similes and images abounding , Mr Sullivan spins tales out of a few details .

  14. 深刻隽永的叙述浑然一体的描写&评乔治·艾略特小说《米德尔马契》的写作手法

    Philosophical Narration and InterdependentDescription & Comment on the Writing Techniques in Middlemarch by George Eliot

  15. 正是作家的这些矛盾让《道林·葛雷的画像》这部小说意义更加隽永。

    All these paradoxes make his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray profound and provoking .

  16. 刘嘉玲一部隽永的美丽传说

    Liu jialing : a meaningful legend

  17. 瑰丽的想象隽永的哲思&古希腊罗马神话漫说

    Imposing Imagination in Company with Meaningful Philosophy & a talk about ancient Geek and Roman myths

  18. 线条刚劲之中见柔和,稳重之中显轻灵,雄伟之中含隽永。

    Its outline is very strong but gentle , stable but vivid , magnificent and meaningful .

  19. 中国优秀古典诗歌往往诗味浓郁,含蓄隽永,其深层意蕴具有不可描述性和不可尽性。

    Excellent classical Chinese poems are usually elegant and implicit , whose implications are beyond descriptions .

  20. 谚语丰富多彩、生动隽永,反映了每个民族追崇的重要而独特的文化价值观。

    Proverbs , in colorful and vivid language , reflects important cultural values typical of every culture .

  21. 戈尔丁是一位具有非凡才华的作家,他的作品含义隽永,富于哲理。

    Golding is a writer of exceptional quality and his works are philosophical and rich in meaning .

  22. 超越时间的隽永

    Surpass The Meaningfulness of Time

  23. 即使长大之后,人们也不会忘记她眼中的那一潭温柔隽永。

    Even she grow up , we 'll not forget the pellucid and meaningful in her eyes .

  24. 品读隽永不朽的作品,透过名家笔触,感受唯美的境界。

    Reading Meaningful Commodities immortal works , through the master strokes , the realm of aesthetic experience .

  25. 隽永的不仅仅是一种感觉,还有永不能平息的冲动。

    Meaningful is not only one kind of feeling , but also has the impulsion which can never subside .

  26. 口感饱满,鲜爽而可口,果味丰富,极富平衡感,回味隽永。

    Fresh and easy on the palate with full flavors and plenty of fruit , good balance and length .

  27. 其画作个性鲜明,风格隽永、大气,富于学者风范,体现出深厚的文化底蕴。

    Paintings distinct personality , style Meaningful , the atmosphere , full of scholars demeanor reflects profound cultural foundation .

  28. 语言丰富多彩、清新隽永,既富有哲理,又带有浓郁的诗意。

    Language rich and varied , fresh meaningful , full of philosophy , but also with a strong poetic .

  29. 也许一点遗憾,一丝伤感,会让这份答卷更隽永,也更久远。

    Perhaps a regret , moved , can let this answer paper be more meaningful , also is remote .

  30. 每首词都有词牌,词牌种类丰富,蕴含着隽永的文化气息,有着不同的文化来源。

    Every poem has the name of the tunes that contains lots of cultural meanings and different sources of culture .
