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  1. 另外,本论文做的工作还包括:参引众多资料,对生物武器的概念和类型进行了界定和厘划;

    This article defined the concept of biological weapon and listed its types after consulting lots of related data ;

  2. 用标准的脚注方法,给出你所引的所有资料详细的书目信息。并提供一份含有相关信息的书目。

    Use standard footnote conventions , giving full bibliographic information for all sources you cite .

  3. 在报告中处理某个人物的见解时,如果你认为他是采取某种观点,请引注相关资料(章节、文句等)来证明你有理由认为他的想法是如此。

    When you attribute views to the person whose ideas you are addressing , indicate the evidence for the attribution by noting relevant passages .

  4. 利用1996年南昌人工引雷试验观测资料,分析了空中触发闪电的放电特征,估算了火箭上升时的电参数。

    In this paper , the characteristics of artificially triggered lightning flashes in altitude in Nanchang , 1996 was analyzed and electric parameters in the stage of rocket lifting were evaluated .