
yǐn jìn wài zī
  • introduce foreign investments;introduce foreign funds
  1. 一些银行已开设提供经济担保或证明等新业务,以利于引进外资。

    And some banks have begun to render such new services as issuing guarantees and witness in favor of the foreign investments .

  2. 草案指出,中国将积极促进内需和外需、进口和出口、引进外资和对外投资协调发展,强调中国会坚定不移地进一步扩大对外开放。

    China will work to promote the coordinated development of both domestic and external demand , imports and exports , as well as foreign and outbound investment , the draft outline said , stressing that the country stays committed to further opening-up .

  3. 加入WTO中国引进外资银行的策略

    Foreign Capital Bank Importing Tactics for China to Join WTO

  4. FDI的环境效应与我国引进外资的环境保护政策

    Effect of FDI on Environment and Environmental Protection Policy in Using FDI in China

  5. 正确运用BOT方式引进外资

    Use Correctly the BOT Model and Import Foreign Capitals

  6. 积极引进外资,对农村水电骨干项目尝试采用BOT开发模式。

    Thirdly , bring in foreign capital actively and try BOT when develop main projects of rural hydroelectricity .

  7. 但是,跨国收购仍主要发生在发达国家之间,而发展中国家在整个FDI中所占比例却只有1/3左右。即对于发展中国家而言,新设企业投资仍是这些国家引进外资的主要来源。

    However , Transnational Merger and Acquisition mainly appears in the developed countries , and only 1 / 3 of it in the developing countries .

  8. 引进外资30年来,湖南省FDI总量不断增长,对产业结构的影响也越来越大。

    Fetching in foreign investment for 30 years , FDI increasing steadily in Hunan province , meanwhile , existing more and more influences on industrial structure .

  9. BOT投资方式正成为我国引进外资建设基础设施的一种新的重要方式。

    BOT investment way is becoming a kind of new important way to attract foreign capital to build infrastructure in our country .

  10. 我国加入WTO以后,在产业梯度转移规律控制下,湖南省引进外资规模不断扩大,促进了经济的快速增长。

    After China joined into the WTO , the scale of FDI expands unceasingly which Hunan province has under the controlling of the industrial gradient shift rule , FDI has promoted the economic growth rapidly .

  11. 到2001年底,中国已经签订了100个BITs。这些BITs对完善中国涉外投资法制,引进外资及促进海外投资起到了重要的作用。

    100 Sino-foreign BITs have been concluded by the end of 2001.It is specially important and urgent to study Chinese BITs in the background of eagerly attracting and exploiting foreign investment and increasing overseas investment .

  12. 在中国经济学界,虽然对于中国引进外资问题研究的文献不少,但以中国经历为基本依据,考察FDI流入与外贸发展之间关系的,则较少。

    Although in China 's economic community there are many literatures on the introduction of FDI , less are about the relationship between FDI inflows and the development of foreign trade on the basis of China 's experience .

  13. 但是,研究环境规制与FDI之间的相关关系及其对经济增长的影响,对我国加入世贸组织后正确处理引进外资与环境保护及经济增长之间的关系,具有重要的政策参考价值及前瞻性意义。

    But the study on the correlation relationship between environmental regulations and FDI has very important decision-referenced value and strategical significance on managing the relationship between foreign capital attracting , environmental protection and economic growth properly after entry into WTO .

  14. 这项体系非常类似于商学院所教授的、用于评估企业管理层的关键绩效指标,它试图使官员们在以往所强调的GDP增长和引进外资目标等政策领域之外,致力于可衡量的结果。

    Much like the key performance indicators taught at business schools to assess executives , the system seeks to make officials work for measurable results in policy areas beyond the gross domestic product growth and foreign investment targets stressed in the past .

  15. 加入WTO后,企业跨国经营和引进外资会明显增加,新的国际会计业务将不断出现,而会计作为国际贸易通用的语言将会发挥更加重要的作用。

    After WTO entry , the transnational operation and foreign funds introduction of the enterprises have increased obviously , the new international accounting businesses occur continuously , and being as the general language in the international trade , the accounting will play a more important role .

  16. 本文另辟蹊径,采用系统的数据和经济计量方法,具体运用多元线性回归模型和因子分析模型,从产业转移的角度对FDI的区位选择进行全面分析,并提出了引进外资的区域政策建议。

    This article , especially , using the system data and the economy positive methord including multi-dimensional linearity return model and the factor analysis model , comprehensively analysis location selection of FDI from the industry - transferring angle , and put forward the region policy proposal of introduction foreign investment .

  17. 例如,双方在引进外资及出口市场等方面存在着一定的竞争性、东盟内部政局不稳、离心现象严重等因素都造成了CAFTA发展道路上的障碍与制约因素,从而延缓了CAFTA的建设进程。

    For example , both in the aspects of attracting foreign investment and exporting market , there is a certain competitive , and the internal political instability in ASEAN caused many problems on the road of CAFTA development , which resulted in slowing down the construction of CAFTA process .

  18. 引进外资政策中性化进程分析

    The Neutral Process Analysis on the Policy of Introducing Foreign Capital

  19. 国有商业银行引进外资隐忧

    State-owned commercial bank be cautious in absorbing foreign capital business vision

  20. 西部地区引进外资的战略措施研究

    Study on Strategic Measures of Importing Foreign Funds in West Region

  21. 入世与我国西部引进外资

    Entry Into WTO And Introduction Of Foreign Capital In Western Areas

  22. 引进外资对我国货币流通速度的影响

    Effects of Foreign Capital Introduction on the Money Velocity in China

  23. 四是将引进外资与常熟市经济可持续发展战略相结合。

    Combining absorbing foreign capital with sustainable development strategy of Changshu .

  24. 加快引进外资和技术的步伐;

    Speeding up the pace to bring in foreign capital and technology ;

  25. 哈尔滨市引进外资状况分析及对策探讨

    The countermeasure discussion and situation analysis of Harbin 's absorb foreign capital

  26. 第三,加大引进外资力度。

    Third , enhancing the force of introducing foreign capital .

  27. 对外商投资激励和投资促进是引进外资中使用的不同手段,两者在内涵、形式和影响上存在很大差异。

    Investment incentives and investment promotion are different means of attracting FDI .

  28. 中国引进外资与本币供应量之间数量关系

    Foreign investments in China and the quantity of money supply

  29. 引进外资与发展民族经济博弈研究

    The Game of Introducing Foreign Capital and Developing National Economy

  30. 引进外资与近代墨西哥的铁路建设

    The Introduction of Foreign Caption and Mexican Railway Construction in Modern Times