
  1. 目前大学科技园科技成果转化过程中,普遍存在着园区建设步伐慢、成果与市场需求差距大、企业产权问题多、信息不畅通以及科技园与大学关系不协调的问题。

    In the process of sci-tech achievements transformation , there are some problems in terms of park development , gap between achievement and market demand , rights of achievement , information disparity , and the unbalanced relation of sci-tech park and university .

  2. 通过构建农业科技成果转化平台,可以畅通农业科技成果转化的渠道,有利于解决目前我国农业科技成果转化过程中存在的问题,提高成果转化率。

    By establishing achievement transformation platform of agricultural science and technology , it freely flows the channel of achievement transformation of agricultural science and technology , it is helpful for solving the existing problems and enhancing the achievement transformation rate of agricultural science and technology .