
  1. 在仅有510万人的挪威,该公司的ModelS轿车是2014年最畅销车型之一。在这里,特斯拉还要招聘约90名员工。

    In Norway , a tiny country of 5.1 million people where the electric automaker 's Model S was one of the best-selling cars in 2014 , there are about 90 job openings .

  2. 更重要的是,克鲁兹与这个领域最畅销车型&丰田(Toyota)花冠仅有一步之遥。

    What 's more , the Cruze is within striking distance of the segment 's top seller , Toyota 's ( TM ) Corolla .

  3. 但在五月份,本田都市型轿车,一款提供混合燃料和汽油两种动力选择的车型,取代福特的F系列轻便货车(福特皮卡)成为了月度最畅销车型。

    But in May , the Honda Civic , a compact car available with either a hybrid or gasoline engine , displaced 's F-series pickup truck as the month 's best-selling vehicle .

  4. 尽管雪佛兰科鲁兹(ChevyCruze)和福特福克斯(Focus)这种小型车在市场上很有竞争力,但是美国市场上的畅销车型还是以全尺寸皮卡和中型轿车为主。

    Full-size pickups and mid-size sedans still dominate the best-seller list despite newly competitive small entries like the Chevy Cruze and Ford Focus .

  5. 其海外市场份额的提升要归功于小型车嘉年华(Fiesta)等车型。由于汽车报废计划,嘉年华成为了欧洲排名第二的畅销车型。

    It gained share overseas due to vehicles such as its small Fiesta , the second best-selling car in Europe thanks to scrappage schemes .

  6. 如同本文列出的9款最畅销车型的经典图片所示,城市型SUV尽管“出身卑微”,但在经历了漫长的发展过程后,迄今仍在不断发展壮大。

    The compact SUV has come a long way from its humble beginning , as this historical Gallery of nine of the most popular models shows , and continues to evolve .

  7. 去年这个时候,比亚迪F3轿车是中国国内最受欢迎车型之一,但现在已失宠,10大最畅销车型中已不见其身影。

    This time last year its F3 car was one of the most popular in China , but now it has lost favour and vanished from the top ten sellers .

  8. 比如普锐斯通常是每月最畅销车型排行榜的前三甲之一。

    The Prius , for example , is typically ranked among the top three best-selling models every month .

  9. 事实上,300余款上榜车型几乎涵盖市面上所有畅销车型,只要买车,一般能享受到这一补贴。

    There are300 models of cars included on the subsidy list and nearly every buyer can share the subsidy .

  10. 丰田公司已暂停部分畅销车型在北美的销售,等待维修复位缓慢的油门踏板。

    Toyota has suspended sales of some of its most popular models in North America pending repairs to sticky accelerator pedals .

  11. 通用汽车通过转移不太受欢迎的车型的芯片供应,来维持畅销车型的生产,但提醒道这种短缺可能会影响日后的利润。

    GM kept up production of its bestselling models by diverting chip supplies from its less-popular ones , but warned the shortage could affect future profits .

  12. 所以尽管丰田主打的是绿色环保的普锐斯混合动力车,他们的轻卡还是对通用最畅销车型西尔维拉多产生了一定的冲击。

    So even as Toyota emphasizes the green credentials of its Prius hybrid car , it is attacking the Silverado , one of GM 's biggest money-makers .

  13. 我还听过一个类似的故事:一家美国汽车制造商试图将一种畅销车型的打折版销往印度卸除了后座的电子车窗控制系统,以节省成本。

    Similarly , I also heard a story about how a US car company tried to sell a cut-price version of its bestselling car to India and removed the rear-seat electric window controls to save costs .

  14. 据说2013版高尔夫本质上很像1974年版的高尔夫掀背车,不过它在设计和技术上都有大量创新,足以使它保住欧洲最畅销车型的地位。

    The 2013 golf is expected to be fundamentally similar to the hatchback that was introduced in 1974 , but with enough design tweaks and technological flourishes to enable it to remain the bestselling car in Europe .

  15. 本周在底特律,福特发布了新款福克斯(focus)车,这是该公司最畅销的车型。

    In Detroit this week , the company unveiled a new version of the focus , its top-selling car .

  16. 印度最畅销的车型之一是马鲁蒂铃木(marutisuzuki),零售价也是5000美元。

    In India , one of the best-sellers is the Suzuki Maruti , which also retails for $ 5000 .

  17. 两年前,中国汽车消费者曾一度对小型汽车产生了兴趣,而价格4000美元左右的微型轿车奇瑞(Chery)QQ也成为中国当时最畅销的车型之一。

    Chinese car-buyers flirted with smaller vehicles two years ago when the Chery QQ , a subcompact costing about $ 4,000 , became one of the best-selling models in the country .

  18. 福特野马曾经是美国市场上最畅销的车型。

    The Ford Mustang was a smash hit in the American car market .

  19. 艾柯卡运用促销与公关手段把马自达推荐给美国大众,于是美国人大量购买马自达轿车,使其成为福特公司最畅销的车型。

    Iacocca used promotion and publicity to tell Americans about the Mustang , and Americans bought the Mustang in such large numbers that it became one of Ford 's best selling models .

  20. 美国交通数据显示,该计划实施后最畅销的10大车型中,丰田汽车(ToyotaMotor)就占据了3款。以销量衡量,丰田是全球最大的汽车制造商。

    According to US transport data , Toyota Motor the biggest global carmaker by sales accounted for three of the top 10 models bought under the scheme .

  21. 以塔塔汽车(TataMotors)旗下的捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)为例,这个品牌通过销售运动型多用途车(SUV)获利,这是中国最畅销的乘用车型。

    Take Tata Motors-owned JaguarLand Rover , which has profited from selling SUVs , the fastest-selling passenger segment in China .

  22. 西方汽车制造商日趋针对中国市场调整汽车的设计。比如,宝马(BMW)将发布畅销的3系车型的长轴距版,这是专门面向中国市场开发的,因为这里有许多高档车是由专职司机驾驶的。

    Western carmakers are increasingly adapting their cars for the Chinese market : BMW , for example , will launch a long-wheelbase version of its ever-popular 3 series especially for the China market where many cars are chauffeur driven .

  23. 去年,丰田推出其在美国最畅销的乘用车型凯美瑞(Camry)。事实证明,该款汽车在中国极受欢迎,预计2007年销量将达到15万辆。

    Last year , it rolled out the Camry , the best-selling passenger car in the US . The model has proved so popular in China that it is expected to see sales of 150,000 in 2007 .

  24. 上月,比亚迪将其最畅销的5款车型降价20%,以重新夺回市场份额。

    Last month , BYD cut prices on five of its best-selling models by 20 per cent in order to regain market share .

  25. 因此,我没有只考虑同比2011年销售增幅最大的车型,而是筛选了所有改款车型后,专门关注那些一直畅销的老款车型。

    So instead of just recording the vehicles that recorded the highest percentage sales increases compared with 2011 , I weeded out all those models that had been reworked and only looked at carryover models .