
chànɡ xiāo shānɡ pǐn
  • popular goods;goods in hot demand
  1. 长期以来,BicCamera一楼专门陈列最畅销商品的北区都是由平板电视机占据,其中大多为日本品牌。

    Flat-panel television sets , most bearing Japanese brands , have long filled the north end of the sales floor , where the store 's best-selling products reside .

  2. 但我感兴趣的是畅销商品以后会怎样发展。

    But what I am interested in is what 's going to happen to the blockbuster ?

  3. 除了纺织品,这个商店的畅销商品还有包装新颖的家产咖啡、茶和巧克力;

    Besides fabric , the store 's best buys include stylishly packagedhomegrown coffee , tea and chocolate ;

  4. 他们带来一流的营销理念和畅销商品,将品牌价值演绎得精彩绝伦。

    They bring first-class marketing concept and selling of goods , will be interpreted fantastic brand value .

  5. 近来,一种包装上印有阿拉法特形象的奶油夹心小食品成为了埃及首都开罗大街小巷的畅销商品。

    Yasser Arafat cheese puffs are the new hit snack on the streets of Egypt 's capital .

  6. 没食子酸是一种重要的化工原料,用途广,用量大,现已成为市场上的畅销商品。

    Gallic acid is one of important industrial chemicals , and has been used widely and large in amount , becoming now a sold-well commercial in market .

  7. 与此同时,该服务平台还将根据大数据就货架摆放方式、附近最畅销商品给出建议。

    meanwhile , on the basis of big data , the service platform will also give advice on the way of shelf displays and the most popular goods in the neighborhood .

  8. 传统看法认为,健康食品就是无法成为受欢迎的畅销商品——市场没有需求,利润空间不及其他的商品——因此,就是不值得投资。

    According to the conventional wisdom , healthy food simply didn 't sell ─ the demand wasn 't there and higher profits were found elsewhere ─ so it just wasn 't worth the investment .

  9. 这家礼品店最畅销的商品是尼克松会见猫王普雷斯利的照片。

    The gift shop 's biggest seller is a photo of Nixon meeting Presley .

  10. 惠勒所谓的衬衫中的IBM,仍然是CharlesTyrwhitt在土耳其最畅销的商品。

    What Wheeler calls the IBM of shirts remains Charles Tyrwhitt 's bestseller there .

  11. 50岁的五金店老板奥古斯丁(EtriceAugustine)称最畅销的商品是重建用的钉子。

    Etrice Augustine , a50-year-old hardware-store owner , said his most popular product is nails for rebuilding .

  12. 对中国陶瓷的评价很高,是比较畅销的商品。

    Evaluation of China 's ceramic high , is more popular products .

  13. 一个好的超市,并不是只有畅销的商品就行了。

    A good supermarket is not that just there are only salable goods .

  14. 这是非常畅销的商品。

    This is a highly marketable product .

  15. 奥运吉祥物文洛克长着警惕的眼睛,它成为这里最畅销的商品之一。

    With its one beady eye , the Olympic mascot Wenlock has been one of the top sellers here .

  16. 阿里巴巴全球速卖通表示,在双方支持者中帽子均是最畅销的商品,其次是T恤、面具和旗子。

    AliExpress said hats are its best-sellers among both sets of supporters , followed by T-shirts , masks and flags .

  17. 我很高兴地告诉您,你们的永久牌自行车已成为我方市场上最畅销的商品之一。

    I be glad to tell you that your " forever " bicycle have become one of the best selling brand on our market .

  18. 而最畅销的商品之一就是带有游泳池、多个车库和西式帮佣的豪华别墅。

    One of the best sellers at these shops are enormous villas complete with swimming pools , multiple car garages and Western domestic helpers .

  19. 打个比方,如果商店老是遇到最畅销的商品库存不足的问题,或是到秋季还有大量夏装积压,那么,缩小设在富裕地区的配送中心省下的费用就是白省了。

    Cost savings from slimming down rich-world distribution centres will be squandered if stores constantly find themselves either short of the fastest-selling items or stuck with excess summer dresses in autumn , for example .

  20. 高端消费者和“黑色星期五”在沃尔玛抢购9.44美元特价百得咖啡壶的人至少有一个共同点:那就是他们都知道畅销节日商品卖得很快。

    High-end consumers and the people racing for the Black Friday special on $ 9.44 blenders at Wal-Mart continue to have at least one thing in common : they know hot holiday products go quickly .