
  • 网络speciality goods;Specialty goods;specialty product
  1. 烟草是一种特殊消费品,中国烟草行业是实行国家专卖专营的垄断性行业。

    Tobacco industry in China is a monopoly industry exercising exclusive state trading and selling .

  2. 最简单的产品是糖浆,可作为类似槭糖浆的特殊甜味品销售。

    The simplest product is sugar syrup , which can be marketed as a speciality sweetener like maple syrup .

  3. 自我领导实践不仅可以满足员工的自我实现需要,激发员工的主观能动性与创造力;另一方面也使管理者找到领导力的特殊替代品,将更多的精力用于企业发展的战略性思考和举措上。

    Self-leadership practice can not only meet employees ' own needs to self-realize , inspiring their initiative and creativity ; but also helping corporate managers find out the particular substitute for leadership power so that they can concentrate more energies on strategic consideration and movement on the organizational development .

  4. 特殊的奖励品杨木胶合板专用UF树脂胶的研究

    A study on Urea-formaldehyde Resin Adhesive for Special Use in Production of Poplar Plywood

  5. 秩序是一种特殊的公共品,具有特定的结构和功能。

    Order is unique public goods and owns special structure and functions .

  6. 从本质上来看,政府规制既是一种特殊的公共品,又是一种正式的制度安排。

    Essentially , regulation is special public goods and also a formal institution .

  7. 异型钢丝的生产特殊的奖励品

    Production of Special shaped Steel Wire

  8. 粮食安全是一种特殊的公共品,因此它是政府的责任。

    Food security is a special public good for which Chinese government must take the responsibility .

  9. 食品作为一项基本并且非常特殊的消费品,其对国家和社会的重要性不言而喻。

    Food , as a very basic and special consumer good , its importance is self-evident .

  10. 钞票作为一种特殊的印刷品,其印刷质量有着特殊的要求。

    As a special kind of printed matter , the printing quality of paper is very strict .

  11. 中国的男人们越来越随心所欲,他们不但开始染发,为保护头发还服用药物或是使用特殊的洗发品。

    Instead , men are taking control , turning to pills and special shampoos on top of hair dyes .

  12. 砚是汉代墓葬中一种特殊的随葬品,全国各地的汉墓和遗址中均有砚的出土。

    As one of the special objects among the tombs during the western and eastern Han Dynasties , a number of inkstone were unearthed all over the country .

  13. 其中,咏侠诗是唐代诗歌中极为特殊的流品,它产生于汉魏,发展于六朝,到唐代则达到了鼎盛时期。

    Among them , Yong-Xia Tang Dynasty poetry is poetry in the very special flow of goods , it produced in the Han and Wei , developed in the Six Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty , it reached its heyday .

  14. 废弃固体推进剂是特殊性质的危险品,必须妥善处理。

    Obsolete solid propellants , as a kind of particular dangerous article , must be properly treated .

  15. 由于危险品的特殊性,危险品物流也被归类为特殊物流。

    As the special nature of dangerous goods , dangerous goods logistics are also classified as special logistics .

  16. 环境资源作为一种特殊的代际公共品,具有其一般特征,如存在贬值效应和后代代理人缺位等等。

    As a special kind of intergenerational public goods , environmental resources are mainly characterized by an effect of depreciation and the absence of future agents .