
tè zhǒnɡ yìn shuā
  • Special printing;specialty printing
  1. GB/T9851.8-1990印刷技术术语特种印刷术语

    Terminology of printing technology-Terms for specialty printing

  2. 实验结果表明,不同的特种印刷技术对于服饰图案设计与输出以及纺织品本身有着不同的要求。

    The experiment result shows that different specialty printing technology has different requirements for the costume design and output and the textile .

  3. TiO2/Ag光催化膜降解特种印刷工业废水的研究

    Photocatalytic degradation of printery wastewater by tio_2 / ag membrane photocatalyst immobilized on activated carbon

  4. 特种印刷在服饰图案设计与输出中的应用与研究

    The Application and Research of Special Printing in Fashion Design and Output

  5. 喷墨印刷是一种不需要印版的特种印刷方式。

    Ink-jet printing is a special plateless printing fashion .

  6. 多通道无机陶瓷膜处理特种印刷工业废水研究

    Separation properties of the porous ceramic membrane in treating the wastewater from special printing

  7. 在特种印刷机中,传统的做法是利用汽缸活塞带动印刷机构做直线运动进行图案的印刷,这种运动方式需要专门的气源,在许多场合是很不方便的。

    In the special printing machine , the conventional method is that linear motion of printing machine is obtained by cylinder plunger .

  8. 上海滕智实业有限公司成立于1995年10月,专业从事特种印刷设备及配套产品的生产和服务。

    Shanghai Hi-speed Enterprise Co. , Ltd was established in Oct.1995 specializing in the production and service of printing machines and accessory materials .

  9. 利用版纹防伪的特点,运用到包装设计中,并与特种印刷技术相结合,可以达到较好的防伪效果。

    With its special features , security line can , when used in the packaging design and combined with special printing technology , get preferably anti-counterfeit effect .

  10. 因此,研究特种印刷技术在服饰图案设计与输出中的应用,已经成为纺织行业面临的重要任务。

    Therefore , it has become a prominent task for the textile industry to study the application of the specialty printing technology to the costume design and output .

  11. 本文的研究结果,对于纺织品的设计、开发和特种印刷技术在行业内的应用,具有一定的理论指导和实践意义。

    The findings of the thesis have a certain theoretical guidance and practical significance for the textile design and development and the application of the specialty printing technology to industry .

  12. 促使企业成为特种印刷领域内的多元化企业,提高资源的利用率,提高企业的市场应对能力,从而实现企业快速健康的发展。

    By impelling business turning into multivariant business in special printing area , improving utilizing efficient of resource and the coping ability to the market , then realize rapid and healthy development of our enterprise .

  13. 由于其运行距离短,启停频繁,因此确保电动机具有合适的运行速度及安全停止是保证特种印刷机能长期、可靠、高质量工作的重要因素。

    Because of short movement distance and frequently up-down , It is important for the special printing machine to work long and credibility that the linear motor have appropriate speed and can shut down safety .

  14. 对数字化、网络化印刷技术的运用,计算机直接制版技术、传统印刷工艺、设备的发展以及各种新的特种印刷技术的产生和发展都产生了重要影响。

    This article expounds in several aspects like digitalization , the application of web-print technology , making plate directly by computer , traditional print technology , the development of equipment and all sorts of new special print technology .

  15. 特种光泽印刷提高了商品包装的档次和品位,特别流行于包装装潢领域。

    Abstract Special gloss printing enhances the grade of the goods package , especially in package decorating field .

  16. 浅论特种邮票纸的印刷适性

    The preliminary study on the printability of special paper for stamp

  17. 导电浆料是一种功能性特种浆料,可以印刷在非导体承印物上,干燥固化后具有导电性和机械性能。

    The conductive paste is a functional paste which enables non-conductive substrates gain conductivity and mechanical properties after the conductive paste printed on non-conductive substrates is dried and solidified .