
  • 网络special contribution;Special Contribution Award;Special Awards for Services;SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD
  1. 2006年哈尔滨冰雪大世界在澳门获得由世界华商协会授予的文化艺术特殊贡献奖。

    In2006 , it was granted the honor of special contribution to culture and art by GCCC ( Global Chinese Chamber of Commerce ) in Macau .

  2. 他获得了学校的特殊贡献奖。

    He receives a trophy for special services to the school .

  3. 后来我在擦一块‘对学校特殊贡献奖'的奖牌时,又吐了一回鼻涕虫,

    And then I had another slug attack all over a Special Award for Services to the School .

  4. 2002年,鉴于桑力克教授对医学学术所作出的杰出贡献,联合政府授予其百年特殊贡献奖。

    Professor Saunders was awarded the Centenary Medal from the Commonwealth Government for his contribution to academic medicine in2002 .