
  • 网络special logistics
  1. 对比了普通物流与特殊物流在总体特征上的差别;

    The difference of features between common logistics and special logistics is compared .

  2. 应急物流是指为了应对重大疫情、严重自然灾害、军事冲突等突发事件而对物资、人员、资金的需求进行紧急保障的一种特殊物流活动。

    Emergency Logistics refers to special logistics activities on materials , personnel , funds for urgent needs to deal with the epidemic , severe natural disasters , military conflicts and other emergencies .

  3. 应急物流体是构建于国家和企业物流供应链基础上、经集成的特殊物流供应链系统模式。

    ELS ~ 3 constructed on the base of logistics supply chain of country and enterprise is the special and integrated system pattern of logistics supply chain .

  4. 应急物流是一种在突发事件发生后对物资、人员、资金的需求进行紧急保障的一种特殊物流活动,对于突发事件的应对及处理具有十分重要的意义。

    Emergency logistics is a special kind of logistics activities , which make sudden mobilizations of materials , personnel , funding to meet those emergency needs after the incidents , it is of great significance in response to unexpected incidents .

  5. 口岸物流是一种比较特殊的物流体系,是集多种功能为一体的综合性系统。

    Port logistics is a special logistics system with multiple functions integrated .

  6. 涉农供应链特殊的物流路径特征模式。

    The special route model of logistics in SCRA .

  7. 突发事件物流是以追求时间效益最大化和灾害损失最小化为目标的一种特殊的物流活动。

    Emergency logistics is a special logistics activity , which pursues the greatest time benefit and the least loss of disaster .

  8. 区域物流是一种比较特殊的物流体系,它既是一个开放的复杂系统,也是集多种功能为一体的综合性系统。

    Regional logistics is a special logistics system , it is an open complicated system , and is also a comprehensive system incorporating many kinds of functions .

  9. 经过多年的发展,我国在传统物流理论的研究逐渐成熟,然而,冷链物流作为一种特殊的物流,还没有得到应有的重视。

    After many years development , the structure of traditional logistics theory is formed systematically in China . However , cold chain logistics , as a special kind of logistics , has not yet received due attention .

  10. 2003年年初,当医药流通领域逐渐向外资打开大门的时候,我国的医药流通领域,这一特殊的物流分支,一个与老百姓生活息息相关的行业,面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    At the beginning of 2003 , the medicine market opens the door to the foreign capital . Medical industry , such a special field of logistics industry which is so closed to our ordinary life , faces with opportunities and challenges never unexpected .

  11. 对相关概念进行了界定,对产业集群及形成和发展的推动力量、产业集群竞争力的表现形式、物流产业集群及其特殊性和物流产业集群的区域经济效益等理论进行了概括。

    Related concepts are defined and summarized in the form of industrial clusters , and the driving force for the formation and development of industrial clusters competitiveness , regional economic benefits of the logistics industry cluster and its particularity and logistics industry cluster theory .

  12. 由于民用爆炸物品的特殊性,其物流配送中心的选址与一般物流配送中心的选址有着很大的不同,特别是其安全性条件应重点考虑。

    Because of the danger and particularity of civil explosives , the site selection of the distribution sites for civil explosives is different from the site selection of traditional distribution center .

  13. 在该行业的特殊背景下,物流配送中心除配备一般各吨位的载重车辆外,还需要配备各类危险品的专业运输车辆,以实现安全可靠的运输要求。

    In this particular context , petrifaction logistics distribution center will not only have the normal capacity vehicles , but also have various of special vehicles for dangerous goods delivery , to achieve safe and reliable transportation requirements .

  14. 由于危险品的特殊性,危险品物流也被归类为特殊物流。

    As the special nature of dangerous goods , dangerous goods logistics are also classified as special logistics .