
  • 网络lead;AvF
  1. 12导联心电图P波检测算法

    Algorithm of P Wave Detection in 12 - Lead ECG Signals

  2. P波振幅、时限均以导联最大;

    The largest amplitude and longest time interval of P wave were in lead ⅱ .

  3. 食管导联P波振幅的高低与起搏阈值呈负相关(P<0.001);

    The amplitude of P wave and pacing threshold show negative correlation .

  4. 12导联动态心电图与常规心电图P波差别的研究

    The Difference of P Waves between 12 Leads Ambulatory Electrocardiogram and Routine Electrocardiogram

  5. 胸导联R波递增不良的临床意义

    Clinical significance of poor R wave progression in precordial leads

  6. 基于DSP的12导联同步心电图采集系统的研制

    Developing a Synchronous 12-Lead ECG Acquisition System Based on DSP Technique

  7. 结果双极食管导联记录到的窦性P波由圆钝直立的右心房电位和尖锐高大的左心房电位组成。

    Results Sinus P wave recorded by bipolar esophageal lead consisted of right atrial potential and left atrial potential .

  8. 下壁导联R波切迹诊断房间隔缺损的价值

    Value of notch on R wave in inferior leads in diagnosing atrial septal defect

  9. 胸前导联心电图显示巨T波倒置,R波振幅增高。

    ECG showed giant T wave inversion and increase of R amplitudes in chest leads .

  10. 模拟V5导联负极位置对心电图波形的影响

    Effect of position of simulant lead V5 negative pole to waveform of ECG

  11. 运动试验多导联监测对冠心病患者ST段压低恢复时间的比较分析

    Comparative analysis on recovery time of ST depression in coronary

  12. 左胸导联ST段改变对右胸导联ST段的影响

    Influence of left precordial ST segment changes on right precordial ST segment

  13. 急性心肌梗塞患者远隔导联ST段压低的预后意义

    Prognostic significance of ST-segment depression of distant leads in patients with acute

  14. 十二导联动态心电图中ST段压低与冠状动脉造影结果的关系

    Relationship of 12-lead Holter ST-Segment Depression and the Result of Coronary Angiography

  15. 急性心肌梗死梗死区与非梗死区导联的ST段改变

    Changes of ST segments in acute myocardial infarction region and non-infarction region

  16. 介绍一种监护仪使用的3导联ECG放大电路。

    A 3-lead ECG amplifier for clinic monitors is introduced .

  17. 方法回顾分析了130例肿瘤患者使用阿霉素前,同步12导联心电图的P波最大时间P波离散度。

    Methods P-max time and P-wave dispersion in 12 conduct concurrent electrocardiographic were measured in 130 patients with tumors before ADM was administrated .

  18. 头胸导联对右胸导联Q波意义的判别作用

    Heat-Chest Lead in Defining the Significance of Q Waves in Conventional Right Chest Lead

  19. 12导联动态心电图ST段压低诊断冠心病的价值

    Diagnosis value of ST depression in 12-lead Holter in Coronary atherosclerotic heart disease

  20. 急性下壁心肌梗塞胸导联ST段改变对预后的判定

    Diagnosis of heart front lead ST segment depression after inferior acute myocardial infarction

  21. 不稳定型心绞痛发作时胸前导联ST段压低伴T波倒置的临床意义

    Clinical significance of ST segment depression with T wave inversion in unstable angina

  22. 病理性Q波与ST段抬高发生的导联不吻合,且不能用某支冠状动脉阻塞来解释心电图改变。

    Pathological Q wave and ST segment elevation did not occur in same lead .

  23. 头胸导联心电图对普通心电图单纯Ⅲ导联Q波的诊断意义

    Diagnostic significance of Head-chest lead electrocardiogram on Q wave in lead ⅲ of conventional electrocardiogram

  24. 同步12导联ECG的多重分形分布

    Multifractal Distribution of Synchronous 12 lead ECG Signals

  25. 胸导联U波倒置在前壁急性心肌梗死中的意义

    Significance of U Wave Inversion in the Precordial Leads During Anterior Wall Acute Myocardial Infarction

  26. 头胸导联与常规Wilson导联对异常Q波诊断的对比研究

    The diagnostic value of head-chest lead and Wilson lead for abnormal Q wave

  27. B组为aVR导联ST段压低<0.1mV;

    Group B , 34 patients with ST-segment depression in lead aVR < 0.1 mV ;

  28. 急性下壁心梗心电图胸前导联ST段下降与冠状动脉造影的关系

    Analysis of the relationship between ST - segments depression on precordial leads and angiography in AIMI

  29. 食管和改良V1导联同步心电图对心动过速直观定性及定位的意义

    The significance of esophagus and varied V_1 synchronization ECG to determine direct on the nature and position of tachycardia

  30. 成人标准12导联心电图QT间期的多维空间标度分析

    Multi-dimension scaling of 12-lead QTc in standard electrocardiogram in adult Chinese