
dǎo dàn dàn tóu
  • guided missile warhead
  1. 导弹弹头命中目标,完成了一次核爆炸。

    The missile warhead hit the target , effecting a nuclear explosion .

  2. 基于Labwindows/CVI的导弹弹头质量特性测试系统

    Measurement System of Quality Characteristics of Missile Warhead Based on Lab Windows / CVI

  3. 结合弹道导弹弹头的运动规律,建立了3Dsnapshot成像的数学模型。

    With the motion rule of ballistic missile , the mathematics model of the 3D snapshot imaging is established .

  4. 再入大气层弹道导弹弹头及其伴随重诱饵的红外辐射特性

    Infrared Radiation from Reentry Ballistic Missile and Its Heavy Decoys

  5. 弹道导弹弹头激光雷达截面相干分量预估

    Calculation of Coherent LRCS of a Ballistic Missile Warhead

  6. 弹体处理在提高战术弹道导弹弹头突防能力中的应用

    The application of body disposal for enhancing the ability of tactical ballistic missile penetration

  7. 导弹弹头质量特性参数测量方法的研究

    Research on method for measurement of the parameters about the properties of warhead 's mass

  8. 为了提到精度,1.5吨的导弹弹头可在飞行中与弹体分离。

    To increase the accuracy , the missile nose cone , 1.5 tons in mass , was made separable during flight .

  9. 为了从各种空间物体中识别出导弹弹头,设计了基于改进时延神经网络的识别系统,识别系统以空间物体的温度及亮度变化频率作为目标识别的主要特征。

    A Recognition method based on modified time-delay neural network is designed , which use space object 's temperature and luminance change frequency as recognition feature .

  10. 文章论述了洲际弹道导弹弹头回收的重要性,以及对弹头回收系统的两种概念性方案研究。

    This article discusses the essentiality of the recovery of the ICBM warhead , and in two ways makes conceptual researches on the recovery system of the warhead .

  11. 以等高程和等过载引信两种弹头引信方式建立了大气参数偏差对弹道式导弹弹头引爆点射程影响的数学模型;

    A mathematical model is established solely according to two kinds of warhead fuze modes considering that atmosphere parameter error works on the flight of warhead explosion spot of ballistic missile .

  12. 弹头姿态控制系统是弹道导弹弹头控制技术的重要组成部分,但由于系统中明显包含非线性环节,所以造成设计时系统优化困难。

    The warhead attitude control system is one of the important parts of warhead control system for ballistic missiles , but it is difficult to optimize the system in design because of its nonlinearity .

  13. 中远程导弹弹头具有外形特殊,尺寸和重量都很大等特点,其形心轴线的测量属于大尺寸几何测量。

    The warheads of medium-long range missiles have some features such as special contour , large size and heavy weight , etc. , thus , the measurement of symmetry axis is a kind of large-scale measurement .

  14. 例如陶瓷的烧制、锅炉炉膛、各类焊接甚至弹道导弹弹头表面都涉及到对温度场的分析,需要对温度场进行数值计算及仿真。

    For example , ceramic firing , boiler furnace , different kinds of welding as well as ballistic missile warheads surface all involves in the analysis for temperature field , which requires the numerical calculation and simulation .

  15. 导弹弹头是导弹的最重要的部件之一,而形心轴线作为其重要几何特征量,影响着导弹的命中精度,因此对于形心轴线测量方法的研究具有实际意义和应用价值。

    The warhead is one of the most important parts of a missile . Symmetry axis is an important geometric specificity of it which affects the hit precision of a missile ; therefore it is significant to study measuring techniques of symmetry axis .

  16. 系统具有功能完备、高精度、高效率、人机友好等优点,已在生产现场使用,尤其适用于导弹弹头等航天类飞行物体的质量特性测量。

    The system has some me - rits such as maturity function , high precision , high efficiency and man-machine coordination . It has been used at productive site , and adapts to the measurement of quality characteristic of space flight objects such as missile warhead .

  17. 导弹的弹头,用于发射原子弹。

    The warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb .

  18. 弹道导弹中段弹头表面温度场分布理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of temperature field on the surface of ballistic missile warhead in midcourse

  19. 另外,中国在1月11日用导弹发射弹头击毁了一颗老化的中国气象卫星,这一行为在本周也遭到批评。

    Beijing has also faced criticism this week for the January 11 destruction of a defunct Chinese weather satellite by a warhead fired from a missile .

  20. 更需要指出的是,运载火箭整流罩的设计技术与导弹多弹头整流罩设计技术存在显著的不同。

    What deserves special mention is that a distinct difference exists between the design technology of the fairing on a carrier rocket and that of a multiple-warhead missile .

  21. 战术弹道导弹中段多弹头进攻方法的研究

    The Research of Submunitions ′ Attacking Method in the Midcourse of Tactical Ballistic Missile

  22. 中国甚至将其自行研发的导弹贴装弹头中一款测试过的设计之资料传授给巴方。

    It even passed it a tested design of one of its own missile-mountable warheads .

  23. 导弹整流罩模拟假弹头可行性动力学分析

    Dynamic analyses of feasibility of missile fairing simulating fake warhead

  24. 弹道式导弹自由飞行段弹头控制分析

    The Analysis of the Warhead Control in Free Flight Phase of the Ballistic Missile

  25. 针对美国战区导弹防御(TMD)系统的特点,提出了提高中程战术弹道导弹弹头突防能力的弹体处理(弹体分解)方案。

    This paper presents the preliminary tentative of body disposal ( body decomposition ) for enhancing the ability of the tactical ballistic missile penetration , in consideration of the characteristic of the TMD .

  26. 随后在MSC/NASTRAN软件中建立了导弹和运输车的三维有限元模型,在随机响应分析的基础上,提出了对导弹弹头运输过程中的减振方案。

    The 3-D FEM model of the vehicle and missile is established by MSC / NASTRAN to determine the design of the vibration system for a missile warhead by methods of random response analysis .