
  • 网络Tire making;body making
  1. 全部工序的基础是从制胎开始的。

    All steps begin with mold-making .

  2. 漆器成型主要是靠制胎,漆器胎骨或称为器骨,是漆饰的依托。

    Lacquer forming mainly depends on body samples , and lacquer decoration relies on bones of body sample or lacquer fetus .

  3. 而另一部分黑釉瓷使用了质量较差的瓷土作为制胎原料,可能是元代时生产的。

    While the other black glazed porcelains used the lower quality porcelain clay as their raw materials for body . They are probably fired in Yuan period .

  4. 须经过“制胎”、“掐丝”、“点蓝”、“烧蓝”、“磨光”、“镀金”等大大小小十多道工序才能完成。

    It can only be finished through more than ten steps including making copper mold , welding copper wire , coloring , polishing , gold-plating and so on .

  5. 本文应用人肝癌细胞株培养和MTT颜色显示的方法,测定本室制备的人胎肝细胞刺激再生因子(HSS)的活性。

    In this study , human fetal hepatic stimulator substance ( HSS ) was prepared . The activity was detected by human hepatoma cell line culture and MTT color demonstration method .

  6. 酚醛改性淀粉/天然橡胶复合材料的制备及在胎面胶中的应用

    The Preparation of Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Modified Starch / Natural Rubber and Its Application on Tread Composites

  7. 结合中子活化分析及瓷釉研究的结果来看,这种改变应是因其制瓷原料或胎料配方发生变化引起的。

    Combined with the results of INAA and glaze study , this change in elemental composition should be caused by the change in porcelain raw materials or body-making crafts .