
  1. 别提那个字!那是我的罩门!有那么多口味好选择!

    Don 't say that word ! It 's my weakness ! So many flavors to choose from !

  2. 我想,您可能是吃了太多过于口味较重的东西了。

    I think you 've probably just eaten something a bit rich for you .

  3. (尽管有些人对午餐非常不屑)尝试少吃些油腻的食物,多摄取口味清淡的食物。

    Try to stay away from fatty or greasy foods and go for foods with lighter flavors .

  4. 如果肉质柔软塌陷,说明纤维太多,口味已经不好了。

    If the flesh is soft and yields to the pressure , it will be too fibrous to be enjoyable .

  5. 在接下来的章节里,我们将会来看看,经济是如何协调这么多不同口味、不同能力人的活动的。

    In subsequent chapters we will examine how our economy coordinates the activities of millions of people with varying tastes and abilities .

  6. 有这么多不同口味的风景之一的留园是唯一一个访问者可以找到在苏州。

    To have so many different tastes of scenery in one , the Lingering Garden is the only place a visitor can find in Suzhou .

  7. 就软件而言,学校应多开展适合大学生口味,能真正满足他们内心需求并能使其切实参与的积极向上的校园文化活动。

    From a software standpoint , the school should be more suitable for college students to carry out " taste ", the heart can really meet their needs and to make positive and effective participation of cultural activities on campus .