
  1. 本文研究了两种制造单板层积木(LVL)的方法:一步压制法,将12张单板一次热压或冷压成厚板;

    This paper deals with one-step or two-step pressing method for making laminated poplar veneer lumber , 12 plies are pressed once in hot or cold press when one-step pressing method is used .

  2. 本文通过对PVDF压电薄膜的结构和压电原理进行分析和论述,设计并制造单头的PVDF脉象传感器,通过静态实验和脉搏搏动信号测试,初步实验结果表明利用PVDF制作脉象传感器是可行的。

    This paper analyzes and discusses the structure of PVDF piezoelectric film and the piezoelectric principle , then designs and produces the single-thread PVDF pulse sensors . Through the static experiment and the signal test of the pulse pulsating , manufacture of the pulse sensors using the PVDF is feasible .

  3. 他们停止制造单引擎螺旋桨驱动的小飞行器。

    They have stopped making small , single-engined , propeller-driven aircraft .

  4. 其实硬橡胶是制造单簧管的很好的选择。

    Hard rubber is a much better substance with which to construct a clarinet .

  5. OEE已作为制造企业单台设备运行绩效的一种测量指标,并以此提高该设备的效能。

    It is known that overall equipment effectiveness ( OEE ) is a metric for a manufacturing enterprise to measure the performance of a single set of equipment , by which to improve its effectiveness .

  6. 偏心率越大越有利于制造单模单偏光纤。

    With eccentricity increasing a single-mode single-polarization fiber is easier to make .

  7. 本文以印刷电路板电镀生产线为研究对象,对自动化制造单元单抓钩调度问题进行了研究。

    Based on the printed circuit board electroplating production lines , we study the automated manufacturing cell scheduling of single hoist .

  8. 用红树林树种制造的单宁还用来天然纤维织成的渔网的加工和染色,以提高其抗生物老化能力。

    Tannin from mangrove species has also been used for curing and dyeing of fishing nets made of natural fibre to make the nets more resistant to biological decay .

  9. 幸好这商品的制造厂保修单尚未过期。

    Fortunately it 's still covered by the manufacturer 's guarantee .

  10. 木塑复合材制造中抑制单体挥发的研究

    Study on inhibiting evaporation of monomer from the impregnated wood

  11. 制造业询单处理信息系统安全研究

    Research on Security for Manufacturing Order Process System

  12. 这在一定程度上说明双层油轮的制造费用与单体油轮相当。

    This means the expense for building a tandem hull is commensurate with that for a monohull .

  13. 离散型制造业:单台机器与组合工作单无是作为整体来生产不同型号和大小的产品。

    Discreet manufacturing : Individual machines and integrated cells must function in a variety of combinations to produce many different types and sizes of products .

  14. 根据企业询单处理的业务过程特点,进行基于业务过程的询单处理信息系统安全需求分析,在此基础上,为制造企业询单处理信息系统建立了有应用价值的安全解决方案。

    The security requirement based on the business process characteristic of order processing is analysed in the thesis , and a security solution that has application values for the system is designed .

  15. 但根据目前锂离子电池设计与制造水平,单体电池之间性能存在差异,导致组合后的整体性能达不到设计要求。

    For the purpose of the performance of battery pack reaching or close to that of single battery , the dynamic equalization technology of lithium ion battery packs for power tools was proposed .

  16. 经实例应用,表明向量法具有直观。简捷、形象、实用等优点,对无专用数控机床的中小型机械制造厂提高单螺杆式机械的制造质量,具有普遍实用性。

    Application shows that the vector method is visual , simple and direct , vivid and practical , and it is suitable for use in small factories which has no numerical controlled lathe to improve the manufacturing quality of mono-screw machines .

  17. 设计并制造了一种单激励夹心式纵弯复合椭圆振动车削系统。

    A single driven sandwich longitudinal and flexural composite elliptical vibration turning system is designed and manufactured .

  18. 现代制造业逐步由单品种多批量生产转向多品种少批量生产,这对数控机床的性能提出了越来越高的要求。

    With modern manufacturing industry developing from single-variety and large-batches production mode to the multiple-varieties and small-batches one , it brings everlastingly higher demand on NC machine tool .

  19. 作者在自行设计并制造的一台单粒子冲击试验机上对部分纯金属和低碳钢在不同的冲击速度下进行冲击试验。

    A single particle impact test device was designed and manufactured by the authors . Several pure metals and low carbon steels were impacted at different velocities using this test device .

  20. 在铝质气雾罐的制造中,减轻单罐质量,提高材料利用率,降低生产成本,以达到提高利润的目的是很多企业的追求,变壁罐因此而生。

    In the manufacture of aluminum aerosol cans , many enterprises strive to reduce the weight of single can , improve material utilization , reduce production cost , in order to achieve the profits improvement .

  21. 为了研究超高强度急冷快速凝固镁合金的强化机理,必须设计与制造急冷快速凝固单辊装置。论文设计并制造了单辊急冷快速凝固装置。

    Melt Spinning Processing Equipment ( MSPE ) was designed and manufactured in order to study the strengthening mechanisms of high strength Mg alloys produced by rapidly quenched solidification .