
zhì biǎo fú
  • tab character
  1. echo命令的-e标志用来告诉该命令扩展C风格的转义字符,在本示例中,它会把转换为制表符。

    The - e flag to the echo command tells it to expand C-style escaped characters ; in this case , it 's going to turn into a tab character for you .

  2. 若要追加从1开始进行项目编号的文本行,可以使用cat的-n选项;这样将在各行前面附加行号(最多偏移五个空格字符)和一个制表符。

    To append lines of text that are itemized beginning with 1 , use cat 's - n option ; lines are preceded with the line number ( offset with up to five space characters ) and a tab character .

  3. NET的代码编辑器有自动缩进的功能,在开始下一条语句时将缩进一个制表符。

    NET code editor has intelligent indentation , where pressing Enter after beginning a block auto-indents to the next tab .

  4. v显示非打印字符,除了换行符和制表符,它们使用各自效果相当的“控制序列”。

    V displays non-printing characters , except line-feed and tab using their " control sequence " equivalents .

  5. cat的-A选项提供了另一种方法来查看制表符和行结束符的位置。

    The-A option of cat provides an alternate way of seeing where your tabs and line endings are .

  6. 还可以使用制表符让shell脚本中的内容更整洁一点,这只需要在

    To allow tabs to make everything look a bit neater in the shell script , simply place a hyphen ( - ) between the

  7. 这种方法删除代码中所有不必要的字符,比如制表符(tab)、新行和空格。

    Minification removes from the code all the unnecessary characters , such as tabs , newlines , and spaces .

  8. 说到对用户友好,就不能不提到fish的制表符补全特性,这个新颖的特性对于UNIX新用户和专家都极其有帮助。

    Speaking of friendly features , fish 's tab completion feature is another novelty that new UNIX users and experts find extremely useful .

  9. 为此,可以使用INSERT语句,也可以从以制表符定界的文本文件中将数据导入表中。

    You can do this using either INSERT statements , or loading data into a table from a tab delimited text file .

  10. Scala具备完美的printer类,可以使用正确的空格、制表符和格式打印XML。

    Scala also has some pretty-printer classes for printing XML with all of the right spacing , tabs , and formatting .

  11. 可以通过两种方式实现:使用'';或者使用blankp预定义解析器,这更好,它同时解释了空格和制表符。

    You can do so two ways : use ' ' ; or , better , use the blank_p predefined parser , which accounts for both spaces and tabs .

  12. 否则其他补全将不可行,因此它通过返回一个制表符来充当正常的TAB键

    Otherwise , no completion was possible , so it falls back to acting like a normal TAB key , by returning a literal tab character

  13. 这条pregreplace()指令将把一行用逗号分隔的数据转换为一行用制表符分隔的数据。

    This preg_replace () instruction transforms a line of comma-separated data into a line of tab-separated data .

  14. 获取listbox中的项之间的制表符的宽度。

    Gets the width of the tabs between the items in the listbox .

  15. 尽量减少JSP源文件中的空白、制表符和分行符,因为JSP编译器将会保留这些内容。

    Try to reduce the amount of white space , tabs and line breaks inside your JSP source files since these are retained by the JSP compiler .

  16. 因为shell脚本通过广泛使用制表符来提供缩进,所以here-documents还有另一个特点。

    Because shell scripts make extensive use of tabbing to provide indenting for readability , there is another twist to here-documents .

  17. 如果fileone中的行数比filetwo多,那么paste操作依然会继续,不过在制表符后面是一些空项。

    If there were more lines in fileone than filetwo , then the pasting would continue , with blank entries following the tab .

  18. 您可以将输出显示为八进制、十六进制、十进制、浮点数、包含反斜杠转义符的ASCII,或者指定的字符(nl表示换行、ht表示水平制表符,等等)。

    You can display output as octal , hex , decimal , floating point , ASCII with backslash escapes , or named characters ( nl for newline , ht for horizontal tab , etc. ) .

  19. 第一组选项可以改变PyDev在源代码中处理制表符的方式,还可以改变语法元素的颜色。

    The first set of preferences lets you change settings on how PyDev treats tabs within source code , and to change syntax coloring .

  20. funced命令提供语法突出显示、制表符补全和自动缩进;funcsave和funced使用户能够更方便地定制shell。

    The funced command has full syntax highlighting , tab completion , and automatic indenting ; funcsave and funced make it easy to customize your shell .

  21. 这使得在函数关键字之后立即使用制表符会将对应的endfunction关键字附加到下一行。

    So that tabbing immediately after a function keyword appends the corresponding endfunction keyword on the next line .

  22. 指定逗号、制表符、分号或其它字符。

    Specify comma , tab , semicolon , or another character .

  23. 指令定义中不能包含空格和制表符。

    You cannot include spaces or tabs in the directive definitions .

  24. 在选项规范内不允许有空格或制表符。

    No spaces or tabs are allowed within an option specification .

  25. 带分隔符-用逗号或制表符之类的符号分隔每个字段

    Delimited - Characters such as comma or tab separate each field

  26. 域不能包含回车、换行和制表符等字符

    Field may not contain carriage return , line feed or tab characters

  27. 设置一个单一值,它将以此为间隔设置重复的制表符。

    A single value sets repeated tabs at that interval .

  28. 名称里不可含有空格、制表符或冒号。

    Name may not contain space , tab , or colon characters .

  29. “右对齐式制表符”制表位设置文本的右端位置。

    A right tab stop sets the right end of the text .

  30. 以制表符分隔文件格式保存日历信息。

    Saves Calendar information in a Tab Delimited file format .