
jī qì ɡōnɡ shí
  • machine-hour
  1. 标准生产能力通常表达为机器工时、直接人工成本、直接人工工时等指标。

    The productive capacity is usually expressed in terms of an activity base , such as machine hours , direct labor cost , or direct labor hours .

  2. 新机器使工时减少一半。

    The new machine halves the time of doing the work .

  3. 机器故障的损失工时机械不完全燃烧热损失

    Machine-spoiled work time heat loss due to combustibles in refuse

  4. 机器故障的损失工时主机突发故障应急操纵

    Machine-spoiled work time main engine fault emergency manoeuver

  5. 可靠服务,无故障的工作机器故障的损失工时

    Unfailing service machine-spoiled work time