
  1. 不,他是个某种机关办公室的工作人员,是个会计吧,我想,虽然只是猜测。

    No , He was an officer worker of some kind . Accountant , I think & though that 's just a guess .

  2. 当爬进倒塌的报社和其它有大量纸张的机关办公室里时,我发现纸不会被挤压变形。

    I discovered , while crawling inside of collapsed newspaper offices and other offices with a lot of paper , that paper does not compact .

  3. 铁路各级机关办公室需要处理的信息量很大,传统的工作方式和方法已不能适应现代化管理的需要。

    Railway administration offices at all level are required to deal with lare quantity of information , the traditional working modes and methods could not cope with the need of the modernization management .

  4. 你们在机关坐办公室,不了解下面的情况。

    You work in an office and don 't understand conditions down below .

  5. 无论是党政机关的办公室,还是企事业单位的办公室概莫能外。

    No matter be the office of Party and goverment officials , enterprise or business still the office of the unit has no exception .