
  1. 矿井提升机绳系合理激励加速度反演分析与设计

    Inverse Analysis and Design of the Rational Acceleration of Mine Winder Rope System

  2. 绳间相对滑动对多绳摩擦提升机绳槽允许半径差的影响

    Effect of relative sliding rope on allowance of rope grooves of multi-rope friction hoist

  3. 矿井提升机绳系设计中的反问题研究

    Study on the Inverse Problem Existed in the Design of Rope System of Mine Hoists

  4. 多绳摩擦提升机绳槽磨损的一般规律

    The generalized laws on the wear of rope grooves of multi - rope friction hoist

  5. 介绍落地式摩擦提升机绳槽车削方法及质量检验方法。

    This paper introduces the methods of turning score and its quality test of ground_mounted multi_rope friction hoist .

  6. 基于FTA的矿井提升机钢丝绳断绳故障分析

    Fault Analysis of Ruptured Steel Wire Rope in Mine Hoister Based on FTA Method

  7. 介绍了XSZ型多绳摩擦提升机钢丝绳张力自动平衡首绳悬挂装置的工作原理及性能。

    This paper introduces the working principle and characters of XSZ type mulit_rope friction hoist main rope 's self_balance hanging device .

  8. 提升机钢丝绳张力测控系统及应用

    Observe and control system and application of hoist steel rope tension

  9. 喷浆机尼龙绳分线原理与结构

    The Principle and structure of Spraying Machine Nylon Rope Separating Equipment

  10. 多绳提升机钢丝绳张力动态测试调整研究

    Dynamic test and adjustment of wire-rope tension of multiple rope friction winder

  11. 大型桥式抓斗卸船机托绳小车系统

    Rope - supporting trolley system for large grab ship unloader

  12. 单绳缠绕提升机缠绳装置的技改实践

    Practices of technical renovation to winding unit of single-rope hoist

  13. 摩擦式提升机钢丝绳弹性振动理论研究

    Theoretical research on hoisting steel rope elastic vibration of a friction hoist

  14. 苜邦9KF-8042型方草捆压捆机捆绳消耗率计算

    Calculating of Loss Ratio of Cord for Square Bundle Baler

  15. 提升机松绳自动保护器的研制

    Developing of automatical protector for rope 's loosing in hoister

  16. 立井缠绕式提升机松绳保护方式探讨

    The discussion of lax cord protection mode of vertical voluble hoist shaft

  17. 水稻种绳捻制机卷绳机构的参数分析

    Parameter Analysis on Twisting Rope Machine of Rice Seed Rope Twisting Machine

  18. 提升机钢丝绳受冲击负荷时的动力波分析

    Discussing the dynamic waves for hoist steel-wire ropes to be loaded shockingly

  19. 提升机钢丝绳张力差分析监测与调整

    Analyzing on monitoring and adjust of the steel rope tension difference of lifter

  20. 多绳摩擦轮提升机主绳与罐道绳更换的实践

    Practice of Replacing Main Rope and Cage Guide Rope for Multirope Friction Winder

  21. 斜井提升机钢丝绳自动注油器制作与应用

    Manufacture and application of automatic oil ejector of incline shaft hoist steel rope

  22. 提升机卷筒绳孔设计探讨

    Probing into designing rope - hole on hoist drum

  23. 制造抽油机驱动绳工艺探讨

    Discussion on the manufacturing Technology of Driving Cord used for Oil Pumping Machine

  24. 双卷筒提升机调绳制动装置的改造

    Improvement on the Braking Device for Rope Regulation of Double - drum Hoist

  25. 提高抓斗卸煤机钢丝绳寿命的一些措施

    Measures to Upgrade the Service Life of the Steel Cable of Clamshell Caral-drop

  26. 提升机钢丝绳弹性振动理论与动力学特性分析

    Elevator rope elastic vibrating theory and kinetics characteristic

  27. 能够自动、准确、可靠地测试和分析提升机钢丝绳张力。

    It can automatically and accurately and reliably test and analyse hoist wirerope tension .

  28. 提升机钢丝绳的动载荷及其动应力分析

    Analyzing Dynamic Load and Stress of Hoisting Rope

  29. 缠绕式提升机咬绳验算新方法

    New checking computation method for ropes extrusion and friction between ropes on drum hoist

  30. 副井延伸后提升机钢丝绳选用分析与研究

    Choice of Steel Wire Rope for Mine Hoist