
yǎn zhào
  • patch;blindfold;eye patch;blinder;eyeshade;blinkers;blinkers for a horse;defilade;hand on forehead to prevent eyes from the sun;eyehead;blind pack
眼罩 [yǎn zhào]
  • (1) [defilade;blinkers for a horse]∶牲畜戴的遮蔽眼睛的东西

  • (2) [hand on forehead to prevent eyes from the sun]∶手平放在额前遮挡阳光的姿势

  • 打眼罩儿

  • (3) [eyeshade;eyehead]∶戴在眼睛上起保护或遮挡作用的东西。有时也指风镜

眼罩[yǎn zhào]
  1. HPLC测定硫酸阿托品滴眼液的含量和有关物质眼罩遮盖法与阿托品疗法治疗屈光不正性弱视疗效观察

    Determination of Atropine Sulfate and Related Substances in Atropine Sulfate Eye Drops by HPLC Comparison between blinkers eyeshade occlusion and atropine therapy for the treatment of ametropic amblyopia

  2. 眼罩蔽光对早产儿生长发育的影响

    Effect of Eyeshade Nursing on the Growth of Premature Infants

  3. 他一只眼戴着黑眼罩。

    He had a black patch over one eye .

  4. 他伸手去触摸遮住左眼的黑眼罩。

    His finger went up to touch the black patch which covered his left eye

  5. 她去了医院,发现他躺着,一只眼睛戴着眼罩。

    She went to the hospital and found him lying down with a patch over his eye .

  6. ED玻璃,边远很锐,同类型中表现优异,眼罩可调节。

    ED glass , sharp to the edges , excellent in its category , eyecup adjustable .

  7. 通过对眼罩的重新设计,更进一步地掌握了USB技术,为实验室在这个方面的研究打下了基础。

    Through the redesign of the peripheral , the author further masters USB technology , which also sets a foundation for the laboratory on this field .

  8. 配眼罩的羊皮飞机帽PBO基质平流层飞艇蒙皮材料的制备研究

    Sheepskin goggle helmet Fabrication and Investigation of Envelope Materials for Stratospheric Aircraft with PBO Fabric as Load-carriers

  9. 确保他们确信无疑地了解这一点,戴上MP3,充气枕头,眼罩和耳塞。

    To make sure they definitely get the message , put on your MP3 player and your blow-up pillow and your eye mask and your ear plugs .

  10. 竟然在下面撞到了SandraBullock,然而真相是并没有停电是我忘记摘下我的眼罩了

    and I hit under Sandra Bullock and it turned out we didn 't lose power , I forget take my eye mask

  11. 结论使用头颅线圈,常规准备后,给病人戴上黑布眼罩,闭眼,告知病人在扫描时心里默默有节奏计数的扫描方法,能提高视神经MR检查的图像质量。

    Conclusion After routine preparation , with a cranial coil and an eye shield , if optic nerve MRI examination is performed when the patient keeps his eyes close and counts quietly rhythmically in his head , the quality of images can be improved significantly .

  12. 结果:消肿祛瘀散眼罩外敷治疗眶周瘀血,敷药24h后,肿胀消除80%以上,总有效率为93%,对照组总有效率为37%(P<0.05)。

    Results : The symptom of swelling relieved 80 % after 24h of treatment . The effective rate of observed group was 93 % and control group 37 % ( P < 0.05 ) .

  13. 美国银行企业工作场所高管马克•尼科尔斯(MarkNicholls)表示:如果你蒙上眼睛,在这些地方中的一个摘下眼罩,你会以为自己走进了酒吧。

    If you put a blindfold on and you took it off in one of these spaces , you 'd think you were in a bar , says Mark Nicholls , Bank of America 's corporate workplace executive .

  14. 患者禁食6h以上,戴眼罩安静休息20min后肘静脉注射18F-FDG185~296MBq,60min后开始SPECT和X线CT透射扫描。

    Patients were fasted for more than 6 hours and had a rest for 20 minutes with an eye patch before intravenous injection of 18F-FDG , 60 minutes after injection , SPECT and X-ray CT thansmission tomography scan was performed .

  15. 不旅行的时候,人们还可以用这款NeuroOn睡眠眼罩调节睡眠模式,提升夜晚睡眠质量。

    The NeuroOn mask can also help non-travellers regulate their sleeping patterns and get a better night 's kip .

  16. 亚当奇克说:“NeuroOn眼罩就是一个人工光源,它激活那些将信息传递给大脑的光受体。”

    Mr Adamczyk said : ' The NeuroOn is an artificial light source - it activates the light sensitive receptors that send information to our brains .

  17. 亚当奇克来自波兰华沙,当他在医科大学考试期间睡不着觉时,萌生了研发NeuroOn眼罩的想法。

    Mr Adamczyk , from Warsaw in Poland , came with the idea for the NeuroOn when he was struggling to sleep during his exams at a medical university .

  18. 这款睡眠眼罩可机洗,目前可在NeuroOn的官方网站上预订,价格为299美元,在首批销售结束后将发往全球各地。

    The sleeping mask , which is machine washable , can be pre-ordered on NeuroOn 's website for $ 299 and will be shipped internationally after the initial run is processed .

  19. 警察用眼罩蒙住囚犯的双眼。

    The police use blindfold to cover the prisoner 's eyes .

  20. 这就是为什么叫它眼罩,对吗?

    That 's why they call it a blindfold , alright ?

  21. 带上一副眼罩阻挡更多的光线。

    Bring along an eye mask to block more light .

  22. 23当你在做木工,或林场工作时,请戴上眼罩。

    Wear goggles when you 're doing carpentry or even yard work .

  23. 戴上眼罩或闭上眼,好么?

    Just use an eye mask or shut your eyes , okay ?

  24. 佩戴舒适的睡眠眼罩和滑雪面罩就是用的这种面料。

    It is how comfortable sleep masks and ski masks are built .

  25. 我需要戴眼罩,总是需要。

    I need to wear an eye mask , always .

  26. 你是个海盗啊,带那个眼罩干什么?

    You a pirate - why you got that eyepatch on for ?

  27. 你为带着海盗的眼罩呀?

    Jack , why are you wearing pirate 's blinkers ?

  28. 将眼罩戴上,美美地睡上一觉。

    Draw on the eyepatch to have a good sleep .

  29. 他右眼上戴着黑色的眼罩。

    He wears a black patch over his right eye .

  30. 而当你回到家,千万别忘了给她戴上眼罩。

    And when you get home , don 't forget the blindfold .