
zhǔn shéng
  • criterion;yardstick;plummet
准绳 [zhǔn shéng]
  • (1) [yardstick]∶测定物体平直的器具

  • (2) [criterion]∶引申为标准、准则

  • 以法律为准绳

  • 先王陈迹,后王准绳。--《旧唐书.经籍志序》

准绳[zhǔn shéng]
  1. 为验证MPA方法的可行性,本文采用MPA方法对教师公寓的平面模型进行抗震性能的分析,以非线性时程分析的结果为准绳,两者是比较接近的。

    In order to validate the feasibility of the method of MPA , this paper uses MPA methods to analysis teacher apartment plane model of the seismic performance . We use nonlinear time history analysis results as the criterion . The results of the two methods are relatively close .

  2. 忠实通顺、简洁地道:标题翻译之准绳

    Faithful Fluency and Idiomatic Simple : Criterion to the Title Translation

  3. 她是一个我可以用来衡量我的成就的准绳。

    She was a yardstick against which I could measure my achievements .

  4. 目的通过探讨螺旋CT在肾损伤定位诊断与临床分级关系,明确治疗准绳。

    Objectives A correlative explore between qualitative diagnose of spiral CT and clinical type of closed renal trauma , made clearing standard of treatment .

  5. 经合组织(OECD)每3年编制一份Pisa排行榜,对15岁年龄段学生的能力进行评估,被人们视为这方面最全面、最严格的国际评估准绳。

    The Pisa league tables , produced by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development every three years , are regarded as the most comprehensive and rigorous international yardstick of 15-year-old school pupils ' abilities .

  6. 我们坚持对等互利的准绳。

    We keep to the principle of equality and mutual benefit .

  7. 以国际法作为处理外交关系的准绳;

    Taking international law as the principle of handling diplomatic relationship ;

  8. 学校体育教学要以培养跨世纪的人才为核心,转变学校体育教育观念,以体育健身运动为准绳,建设学校体育基本框架;

    Century talents , transfer the concept of physical education .

  9. 这些不是善意的提醒!这些是行为的准绳!

    These are not polite suggestions ! These are codes of behavior !

  10. 工程索赔处理以事实为依据,以合同为准绳。

    The claim of the project was based on facts and contract .

  11. 法官应该以事实为基础,以法律为准绳。

    A judge should base his jugdement on the facts and laws .

  12. 真实的成果是衡量成功的准绳。

    Real results should be the yardstick for measuring success .

  13. 和谐的法规能降低成本,并成国际规范的准绳。

    Harmonised regulations reduce costs and can set global norms .

  14. 如何维持道德准绳和将科学投入实践。

    To the moral as well as the practical applications of science .

  15. 我们人人都以这些原则做为自己的行为准绳。

    These are principles of conduct which apply to each one of us .

  16. 无论公平与否,他们已经采用IT认证作为准绳。

    Fair or not , they 've adopted IT certifications as that yardstick .

  17. 法是规范行政权力运行的准绳。

    Law is the line for regulating administrative power .

  18. 神枪手无一能及奥斯华那么准绳。

    Not one sharpshooter could match oswald 's performance .

  19. 以法律为准绳的法社会学思考

    The Consideration of " Take the Law as the Criterion " in Legal Sociology

  20. 以事实为依据,以法律为准绳原则;

    The principle of taking the law as criterion and the fact as ground ;

  21. 重要的准绳可以也必需是灵敏的。

    Important principles may and must be flexible .

  22. 她是我可用以衡量自己成就的准绳。

    She was a yardstick against which I could measure what I had achieved .

  23. 礼貌是人类文明的标志,是人类社会活动的一条重要准绳。

    Politeness symbolizes human civilization , and is one of conduct codes of human beings .

  24. 我们生活在法律的调控之中,以法律为准绳。

    We live under the control of the law and take law as the criterion .

  25. 他拉了准绳,不将手收回,定要毁灭。

    He stretched out a measuring line and did not withhold his hand from destroying .

  26. 以法律为准绳需要作重新的检视和全面的理解。

    " Take law as the criterion " needs fur the r studying and appreciating .

  27. 恤个性化的过程凸现了一条至关重要的准绳&个人成就的标准。

    The personalization process has championed a crucial yardstick & the criterion of personal achievement .

  28. 文化变迁:翻译动态的准绳。

    Translation develops with cultural variance .

  29. 为了克服这方面的不足,采用以家系为准绳的其它资料是很重要的。

    To overcome this inadequacy it is most important to use additional information from family values .

  30. 尤其,后现代广告拥有更多语言精华,承载了更丰富的异国文化,如果只以目标语文化为准绳,势必不利于人类文化的交流。

    In particular , postmodern advertisement has more language shinning points and carries richer foreign cultures .