
  1. 建立应收帐款坏帐准备制度;

    To set up an allowance system for uncollectible accounts .

  2. 关于银行贷款损失准备制度的调查报告&以我国五家上市银行为例的分析

    An investigation on the System of Provisioning for Loan Losses-the Analysis of the Five Listed Banks in China

  3. 危机管理预警准备制度的出发点是要求树立危机意识,建立危机管理预警系统,以便捕捉危机征兆。

    The springboards of forewarning preparative mechanism in crises management are building up crises consciousness and establishing forewarning system of crises management in order to get crises omen .

  4. 但制度本身的不完善及与审前准备制度以及其他周边制度不配套,加之与我国目前环境不适应,导致其存在许多不足和欠妥之处。

    But the incompleteness of the system and the mismatch with the pre-trial preparation system and other peripheral systems as well as the inadaptable with the current circumstances should still responsible for the defects of this system .

  5. 制定合理可行的信用政策及切合实际的收账策略,认真对待应收账款的账龄,确立积极的风险转移机制及坏账准备制度,这样企业就能有效保证应收账款的资金安全。

    Thirdly they should build reasonable credit policies and receiving account strategies , deal with the age of receivable account seriously , establish active risk transferring mechanism and preparative system of bad debts . In this way the enterprises can assure the fund securities of receivable account .

  6. 本文通过江西省景德镇市农村信用社发展的个案探讨当前农村信用社发展的必要物质准备与制度条件。

    This paper studies the rural cooperatives development case in Jingdezhen , Jiangxi Province to show the economic and institutional conditions for reform and development .

  7. 婚姻是一种好的制度,但是我不准备加入这种制度。

    Marriage is a fine institution , but I 'm not ready for an institution .

  8. 我们现在正在研究避免重复这种现象,准备从改革制度着手。

    We are now looking into ways to prevent such things from recurring and are preparing to start with the restructuring of our institutions .

  9. 这里的市政当局正准备实施食物配给制度。

    The municipal authorities here are preparing for food rationing .

  10. 审前准备程序需要完善制度保障,包括强制诉答制度、诉讼失权制度、律师强制代理制度等。

    The pretrial procedure requires betterment of systematic guaranties , including compulsory pleading system , compulsory attorney system and so on .

  11. 审前准备程序是证据制度的重要组成部分,简易程序是我国民事诉讼的重要制度。

    The preparatory procedure before the trial is the important compositional part of the evidence system , and the simple procedure is the important system of the civil action in China .

  12. 理论界和审判实务中对审前准备程序都进行了有益探索,特别是近年法官制度的改革,对审前准备程序制度的改革,有着极大的影响。

    The theoretical and the judging practice have taken profitable research on pretrial procedure , especially during recent years , the reform of judge system has affected greatly the reform of pretrial procedural system .