
  • 网络Quasi-phase-matching;QPM
  1. 这是准相位匹配研究内容的一次拓展。

    This is an extension for the research of QPM .

  2. 在此基础上对基于准相位匹配的新型宽带光源进行了介绍;

    The new broadband source based on QPM was introduced .

  3. 准相位匹配LN倍频波导铁电畴反转光栅的研究

    Theoretical Analysis of LN Waveguide Second Harmonic Generation Quasi Phase Matched with Ferroelectric Domain Inversion Gratings

  4. 利用多重准相位匹配技术,研究了基于光学超晶格制备可预知单光子多组份模式纠缠W态的理论方案。

    We proposed a scheme for the preparation of the heralded single-photon multipartite entangled W state by using multiple QPM based on OSLs .

  5. 尤其是准相位匹配技术的出现,使得KTP晶体在非线性光学领域有了更大的应用空间。

    Especially the quasi-phase match technology extends the applications of KTP crystals in non-linear optics field .

  6. 目前人们通常利用各向异性晶体双折射特性的相位匹配(PM)技术和人为地在非线性晶体上制备出周期结构的准相位匹配(QPM)技术来实现高效频率转换。

    At present , people usually use birefrigence and quasi-phase-matching methods to achieve higher effiency in the process of conversion .

  7. 准相位匹配(QPM)技术研究新进展

    New Development of Quasi-phase-matching ( QPM ) Technique

  8. 准相位匹配LiNbO3波导全光波长变换的理论研究

    Theoretical research of quasi-phase-matched all-optical wavelength conversion in linbo_3 waveguides

  9. 准相位匹配LiNbO3蓝光倍频器的研究

    Quasi-Phase-Matched Frequency Doubling Blue Light Generation in LiNbO_3

  10. 利用准相位匹配技术(QPM)实现光学参量产生,是目前非线性光学领域研究的一个热点。

    The OPG based on quasi-phase-matching ( QPM ) technology is the focus in the nonlinear optical area .

  11. 准相位匹配(QPM)技术是一种获得高的非线性频率变换效率的相位匹配技术。

    The quasi-phase-matched ( QPM ) technology is a phase-matched technology which can get high efficiency of non linear frequency change .

  12. 利用准相位匹配(QPM)技术在光学超晶格中实现特定的可实用化的激光频率变换,在目前是一个富有实际意义和挑战性的课题。

    Utilizing Quasi-phasematched ( QPM ) technique to achieve a given useful laser frequency conversion is a practical and challenging topic .

  13. 讨论了准相位匹配(QPM)技术中的非线性光频转换谐波振幅方程和谐波转换效率。

    The harmonic amplitude equation and the generation efficiency of nonlinear optical frequency conversion ( NOFC ) in quasi-phase-matching ( QPM ) were discussed .

  14. 准相位匹配周期极化高掺镁铌酸锂532nm倍频准连续输出研究

    The Research of Quasi-Continuous-Wave Output Quasi-Phase-Matching Second Harmonic Generation at 532 nm in Periodically Poled Heavily-Doped MgO ∶ LiNbO_3

  15. 准相位匹配(QPM)OPO产生的红外波段光在红外军事对抗、大气环境监测、医学、特殊环境远距离监控以及光谱学研究等诸多领域有重要的应用价值。

    Infrared light generated by QPM OPO has significant application in infrared military countermeasures , atmospheric environment detection , medicine , spectroscopy , laser radar and remote sensing .

  16. 根据准相位匹配理论计算了周期极化LiTaO3(PPLT)晶体中0类准相位匹配过程(e+e→e)的增益曲线。

    The gain curve in periodically poled LiTaO_3 crystal ( PPLT ) was calculated for type 0 ( e + e → e ) quasi-phase matching ( QPM ) .

  17. 用于制作准相位匹配的LiTaO3质子交换光波导层的晶格常数

    Lattice Constant of LiTaO_3 proton-Exchanged Waveguided Layer for Quasi-phase - matched Device

  18. 基于共线准相位匹配的光学参量过程(包括光学参量振荡OPO和光学参量产生OPG)是获得高效可调谐光源的重要手段之一。

    The collinear QPM optical parametric process ( including optical parametric oscillator , OPO and optical parametric generator , OPG ) is a promising scheme to achieve the tunable coherent light source .

  19. 本文报导了基于周期性极化铌酸锂(PPLN)波长调谐准相位匹配(QPM)的光学参量振荡器,该光学振荡器是由一个声光Q开关连续二极管泵浦的Nd:YVO4激光器所泵浦。

    We report wavelength tunable quasi-phase-matching ( QPM ) optical parametric oscillators ( OPOs ) based on periodically poled lithium niobate ( PPLN ) pumped by an acousto-optically Q-switched CW-diode-end-pumped Nd : YVO_4 laser .

  20. 随着大功率LD输出功率不断提高,新型激光晶体、非线性晶体以及使用准相位匹配方式的光学超晶格材料的不断研究开发、频率变换技术的日臻成熟,全固态激光器成为激光器的主流发展方向。

    With the development of high power laser diode , new laser crystals , nonlinear optical crystals , optical superlattice with quasi-phase-match and the maturation of optical frequency conversion technology all-solid-state laser has become a central of focus in the field of laser .

  21. 介绍了可调谐激光器的分类,并重点阐明光学超晶格的光参量效应原理、准相位匹配-光参量(QPM-OPO)的应用价值及光参量的应用发展趋势。

    Introducing the sort of tunable lasers , and expounding the principle and apply worth , tendency of OPO & QPM-OPO .

  22. 一阶准相位匹配周期性极化铌酸锂倍频产生18mW绿光连续输出

    18 mW CW Green Light Generation by First-Order Quasi-Phase-Matched Frequency Doubling in Bulk Periodically Poled LiNbO_3

  23. 准相位匹配技术(QPM)是非线性光学频率变换领域中的一个重要组成部分,以其转换效率高、调谐方式灵活的特点受到众多科学家的青睐。

    Quasi-phase matching ( QPM ) technique is an important component in nonlinear optical frequency conversion . It aroused the interests of scientists due to the advantages of high conversion efficiency and flexible tuning methods .

  24. 第三章,详细探讨了准相位匹配参量过程实现宽带光源的原理,对QPM-OPG的泵浦波长的选择和极化周期的确定进行了精确的数值计算;

    The theory of QPM-OPG broadband source was explored in detail . The pumping wavelength and specific poled period was accurately chosen by numerical calculation .

  25. 结合微结构设计的基本理论和准相位匹配原理,我们在实验上首次实现了非线性光子晶体波导中基于级联二阶非线性过程的Cerenkov三倍频效应,并对其进行了系统的理论分析。

    Based on the theory of micro-structure design and qui-phase-matching ( QPM ), we realized Cerenkov third harmonic generation in the experiment via two cascaded second-order nonlinear processes for the first time , using the APE nonlinear photonic crystal waveguide .

  26. 研究了双脉冲泵浦情况下,在准相位匹配(QPM)的周期性极化反转的铌酸锂光波导(PPLN)中,基于级联二阶非线性效应&和频与差频效应(SFG+DFG)的全光波长转换。

    An all-optical wavelength conversion based on the cascaded second-order nonlinear interactions of Sum-and Difference-Frequency Generation ( SFG + DFG ) in quasi-phase matched Periodically Poled LiNbO_3 ( PPLN ) Waveguides with a dual-pulse pump source is studied .

  27. 在均匀准相位匹配(QPM)光栅中引入非π相移,拓宽了基于周期反转型铌酸锂波导(PPLN)差频(DFG)波长转换器的泵浦带宽。

    Pump bandwidth enhancement of periodically poled LiNbO_3 ( PPLN ) - based difference frequency generation ( DFG ) wavelength conversion by introducing various distributing formats of non π - phase shifting domains into the quasi-phase-matching ( QPM ) gratings was demonstrated .

  28. 如果引入二阶非线性系数的周期极化反转,即考虑到准相位匹配的情况,切伦科夫倍频效率将会得到极大的提高,可以将之称为准相位切伦科夫倍频(QPM-CSHG)。

    If we introduce the aperiodic or periodic reversal of the nonlinear optical coefficient into the waveguides , the CSHG conversion efficiency can be improved greatly , the configuration also has been called quasi-phase matched CSHG ( QPM-CSHG ) .

  29. oo-e准相位匹配比传统的ee-e准相位匹配有较大的光栅周期,尤其在短波长区域倍频输出应用中,降低了周期性结构制作的困难,其较大的容许带宽在实验中提高了频率转换效率。

    The larger grating period for the type I QPM ( oo-e ) than for the conventional QPM ( ee-e ), lowers the fabrication constrains especially in the short-wavelength region , which increases the acceptance bandwidth and enhances the frequency conversion efficiency in experiment .

  30. 利用准相位匹配光学参量振荡器获得可调谐强度差压缩光

    Generation of tunable intensity difference squeezing light from a quasi-phase-matched OPO