
  • 网络collimator;Collimating Lens;Collimator Lens;Collimate mirror
  1. 其中,光学发射与接收系统主要包括:Nd:YAG激光器、倍频器、准直镜、扩束镜、分束镜、接收镜头、截止滤光片、窄带干涉滤光片及PIN光电二极管等;

    In detail , optical emitting and receiving system is mainly composed of Nd : YAG lasers , frequency multiplier , collimating lens , extender lens , beam splitting mirror , optical receiving lens , cut off filter , narrow band interference filter and PIN photodiode .

  2. 设计了线结构光共焦扫描显微成像光学系统,使用光学设计软件OSLO设计了专用的无限远像距半平场显微物镜和激光扩束准直镜。

    The optical system of line constructive laser confocal scanning microscope is designed . The optical design software OSLO is used to design special infinite image distance half flat field objective as well as laser extender and collimating lens .

  3. 该剪切干涉仪结构简单,可根据条纹图样判断光束的平行度,每一幅干涉条纹图样与准直镜的一种姿态对应,因而这种方法能确定准直镜表面各点反射X射线的整体效果。

    This interferometry scheme is easily aligned , every interference pattern corresponds with only one status of the collimating mirror . Therefore this approach can determine the whole status of the mirror .

  4. 同步辐射是生物大分子研究中所使用的重要方法,本文讨论的准直镜和聚焦镜系统是生物大分子光束线中的重要装置,其作用是改变X射线的方向并使其聚焦。

    The synchronal radiation technology is the important method in the study of biological molecule . The collimation and focus systems discussed in this paper are the important components of the synchronal radiation equipment which can change the direction of X ray and focus it .

  5. 同步辐射压弯准直镜姿态的检测

    The Inspection for the Status of Collimating Mirror in Synchrotron Radiation

  6. 大型太阳模拟器拼接准直镜技术

    Technology of segmented collimating mirror in a large solar simulator

  7. 抛物面反射准直镜的光源位置容差估算

    Tolerance Evaluation for Light Source Position in Paraboloidal Mirror Collimators

  8. 生物大分子晶体学光束线准直镜、聚焦镜系统的设计

    The Design of Collimation and Focus System in Biological Big Molecule Beam

  9. 透过检测中的准直镜精度容限

    Tolerance Limit of Collimated Lens During Transparence Testing

  10. 文中还讨论了准直镜与双胶合棱镜的设计方法。

    In addition , the design approachs to collimating lense and biprism are also discussed .

  11. 在该系统中,我们采用三片式准直镜来对光束进行准直。

    In this OPU , we use a triplet lens to collimate the laser beam .

  12. 设计并实现了基于光纤准直镜和微型光谱仪的单光束光谱检测系统,运用该系统实际测定了重铬酸钾标准溶液的透过率谱,验证了检测系统的光度准确性。

    Then we designed and implemented a single-beam spectrum detection system based on fiber collimator and miniature spectrometer .

  13. 经过准直镜校准后的光线射入四分之一波板。平行偏振光又被转化为圆偏振光。

    The collimated light goes through a1 / 4 wave plate . This converts it into circularly polarized light .

  14. 提出了利用微小楔角剪切干涉仪测量同步辐射压弯准直镜姿态的方法。

    A new approach is described to detect the position status of collimating mirror with a shearing interferometer based on micro-wedge .

  15. 在蓝光光盘光学头设计过程中,光学系统的设计,有举足轻重的作用,特别是准直镜的设计。

    During the design process of Blu-ray disc optical pick-up , the optical system and the collimator lens design is especially important .

  16. 以该原理为基础设计了360°旋转式装校装置,结构简单易行,很好地实现了准直镜的光学装校。

    Based on this method the 360 ° rotating adjustment set is designed , which structure is simple and function is good for collimating mirror adjustment .

  17. 提出了针对原理样机中望远成像镜、光谱仪准直镜、光谱仪成像镜的装调方法,进行了装调试验。

    Moreover , proposed the aligning methods for telescopic imaging lens , collimation lens of spectrometer , imaging lens of spectrometer in the prototype , and complete the alignment experiment .

  18. 光学系统采用白光灯加准直镜,以平行光照射光栅面,通过光栅副产生莫尔条纹。

    The optical system uses the fluorescent lamp with the collimation mirror , incident the grating surface by the parallel light , in order to produce the moir é fringe through the grating .

  19. 本文设计了一套蓝光光学读取头的光路系统,包括用于光束处理的准直镜,整形棱镜,还有用于信号探测的柱面镜。

    This paper designs an optical system and some lenses for the BD OPU , including collimator lens , beam shaping lens for laser beam shaping , and cylinder lens for signal detecting .

  20. 根据太阳模拟器光学系统的特性,同时也为降低制造成本,准直镜可以采用球面反射镜来代替原本的抛物面反射镜,并且采用多个小镜拼接而成。

    According to the characteristics of solar simulation optics and considering reduction of fabrication cost we can replace the paraboloidal mirror with a spherical mirror that can be made up by many small segments .

  21. 同时详细介绍测试系统的各个组成性能以及参数,探讨分辨率靶板的标准,设计整个系统所需要的准直镜,采用主观的测试方式分析其原理。

    In addition , each of the composition functions and reference indexes of the testing system have been introduced : discusses the standards of the resolution target plate ; designs the collimating lenses that are being used under the whole pack of the system .

  22. 通过对波前相位传递情况的分析,得出波前误差和系统结构参量的相关性,去除空腔系统误差,优化结构参量,并建立准直镜误差容限表达式。

    Through analyzing the propagation of the wavefront phase , we obtain the correlation between the wavefront error and system structure parameters , remove the empty system error , optimize the structure parameter , and build up the expression about the tolerance limit of the collimated lens .

  23. 直角棱镜用作自准直反光镜的光学特性

    The Optical Characteristics of Right Angle Prisms as Auto-collimating Mirror

  24. 研究了针对多个立方镜进行准直,通过立方镜坐标系和测量坐标系的转换进行立方镜姿态传递的原理和方法。

    Also the theory and method in cubic-mirror pose pass using several cubic-mirrors by translating the cubic-mirror coordinate system and surveying coordinate system was studied . 4 .