
  • 网络pumping speed;Flow Rate
  1. 对真空泵抽气速率的测试与计算,本质上是对输入到测试罩内的气体流率的测试与计算。

    Abstract To measure and calculate the pumping speed of vacuum pump actually is to measure and calculate the gasf'low rate putting into the testing cabinet .

  2. 介绍了新研制的高真空油扩散泵在拓宽抽气速率范围、提高临界前级压力、降低返油率方面的创新设计。

    Introduces the newly developed K-800A HV oil diffusion pump for its design of broadened range of pumping speed , increased critical backing pressure and reduced backstreaming rate .

  3. 医用中心吸引系统平均抽气速率的计算

    The Calculational Method of Pumping Rate in Medical Center Suction System

  4. 泵的抽气速率与气体的性质有关。

    Lashing velocity of pump is concerned with nature of air .

  5. 油扩散泵抽气速率与被抽气体的关系

    Relationship between pumping speed of oil diffusion pump and gases pumped

  6. 真空泵抽气速率测试计算公式的演变与推导

    Evolution and Derivation of Calculation Formula Measuring the Pumping Rate of Vacuum Pump

  7. 对YY/T0186-94《医用中心吸引系统通用技术条件》中抽气速率试验方法的商榷

    A discussion about the testing method of the velocity of the suction in YY / T0186-94 General Specification for Medical Center Suction System

  8. 根据流体力学、热力学、气体动力学方程和能量不变方程,求得了自吸时间和抽气速率公式。

    Equations based on hydrodynamics , thermodynamics , gasdynamics and the law of energy conservation are used to find the time required for self-priming and rate of air pumping .

  9. 本文主要介绍10-10Pa溅射离子泵的研制,以及如何提高极限真空和抽气速率的方法。

    This article mainly introduced the research on sputter ion pump with an ultimate vacuum of 10-10 Pa. The methods for improving ultimate vacuum and pumping speed were also discussed .

  10. 针对分子筛灌装机的真空系统要求,计算真空室要求达到的真空度,确定抽气速率,为设备开发选取合适的真空泵提供依据。

    Automatic zeolite filling machine for vacuum system requirements , calculate the vacuum chamber to the vacuum required to determine the ventilation rate , select the appropriate equipment development for the vacuum pump .

  11. 目前用定压法测试泵的抽气速率时,流量计测得的只是充入测试罩的气流量,而未能测得并计入测试罩本底气流量。

    As the pumping rate of vacuum pump is measured with the method of constant pressure at present , the gas flow measured with the flowmeter is only that filled in the test cover .

  12. 本文以气体动力学理论为基础,论述了如何通过改进扩散泵的第一级喷咀来提高扩散泵的抽气速率。

    This paper is based on the theory of gas dynamics , by means of improving the first nozzle of diffusion pump in order to increase the pumping speed of diffusion pump are reported in the paper .