
  • 网络Sampling theory;theory of sampling;Sampling Technique
  1. 利用抽样理论分析SAW叉指换能器的设计精度

    Analysis of design precision of saw idt 's by sampling theory

  2. 基于抽样理论的UWB-OFDM系统信道模型设计

    Design method of channel model for UWB-OFDM systems based on sampling theory

  3. 根据二阶抽样理论,探讨了在不同条件下的叶&树配额以及叶的最适抽样量(Kopt);用Green模型对两种虫态的序贯抽样方法造行了探讨。

    According to the number ( Kopt ) for sampling trees and leaves at different situations , we adopt Green model to discuss the sequential sampling of the two stages .

  4. 基于广义遗传算法的自适应重要抽样理论

    An Adaptive Importance Sampling Theory Based on The Generalized Genetic Algorithm

  5. 详细进行抽样理论的分类与比较。

    Classification and comparison of sampling theory were carried out in detail .

  6. 所以实践对多目标抽样理论有着迫切的需求。

    And multi-objective sampling theory is urgently needed for the sampling practice .

  7. 偏移抽样理论在磁异常化极中的应用

    Application of shift sampling theory to magnetic anomaly reduction-to-the-pole

  8. 单纯随机抽样理论之我见

    My Opinion about the Theory of Simple Random Sampling

  9. 幅席加权的等间隔交替抽样理论

    Sampling alternately theory of amplitude-weighted at equal interal

  10. 运用积分抽样理论分析了该方法传输图像的机理和特性。

    An integral sampling theory is employed to investigate principle and characteristic of the method .

  11. 本文利用抽样理论分析了调幅调频脉冲响应抽样的方法及其精度。

    This paper analyses sampling method and sampling precision of complex impulse response by sampling theory .

  12. 为对工业产品质量状况进行综合评价,提出了一种以模糊数学为基础的非离散抽样理论。

    A non discrete sample theory was developed using fuzzy mathematics for the comprehensive evaluation of industrial product quality .

  13. 基于抽样理论分析了目前营造林类抽样核查方法的优缺点。

    On the basis of sample theory , this paper analyses the benefits and shortcomings of the existing afforestation verification methodology .

  14. 根据可靠性抽样理论,分析了过载继电器的可靠性试验方案,研制了过载继电器可靠性试验装置。

    Based on the reliability sampling theory , the reliability examine plan of overload relay was analyzed and the test device was developed .

  15. 本文采用大子样、小子样抽样理论的数理统计方法,评定电阻应变计灵敏系数的精度等级。

    The rank of accuracy of electric resistance strain gage factor is evaluated according to the sampling theory of large samples or small samples .

  16. 根据设备的特点及分层抽样理论,将分别比估计应用于机器设备整体评估中。

    According to the characteristic of equipment and stratified sampling theory , the separate ratio estimator is applied to the appraisal of machinery and equipment .

  17. 系统建立了衍射光学器件精细化设计的抽样理论,深入研究了输出图样在非抽样点上的光强失真机理。

    The sampling theorem to design diffractive optical elements has been systematically established . The intensity distortion mechanism of output pattern at non-sampling points has been studied deeply .

  18. 然后通过抽样理论,建立了正交表抽样和蒙特卡洛抽样之间的联系,从而证明了新估计量的无偏性和渐近收敛性,并得到了估计精度的近似计算式。

    Then by sampling theory , we establish a connection between orthogonal array and Monte Carlo sampling , and obtain the unbiasedness and convergence of the new estimator .

  19. 在进行风险型决策过程中,若能结合抽样理论,就可以以最低的代价找到先验概率下及修正后的后验概率下选择最优决策方案。

    In the process of decision with risks , if we using sampling theory , the best decision in prior probability and modified posteriori probability can be obtained .

  20. 在失效模式基础上提出剩余电流动作保护器的可靠性指标,并根据可靠性抽样理论提出其可靠性验证试验方法。

    The reliability index was applied on basis of the analysis on the failure mode . And according to the sampling theory of reliability a reliability test method was put forward .

  21. 并且,文中给出抽样的理论分析,证明抽取出的样本能够代替源输入文件进行key的频次估计。

    And the theoretical analysis of the sampling is given in this paper . It proves that samples can be instead of the source input files for computing the frequency of all keys .

  22. 结果:一、本研究中将抽样技术理论和随机应答技术的理论相结合,推导出二阶段抽样方法下八种RRT模型调查敏感问题时总体比例的估计量及其方差计算公式。

    Sampling technology theory was combined with the theory of RRT in this study , and formulae were deduced for the estimator of the population proportion and its estimated variance for eight RRT model used for sensitive questions survey in two-stage sampling . 2 .

  23. 采伐剩余物的线截抽样技术理论研究

    Study on the Line Intersect Sampling Technology for Estimating Logging Wastes

  24. 电能表验收检验的抽样方案理论验证

    Theoretic Demonstration on Acceptance Check of Electric Energy Meter with Sampling Method

  25. 空间积分抽样相位理论分析为消减欠采样产生的折叠混淆效应提供了理论依据。

    Phase theory analysis of spatial integral sampling provide theoretical basis for under sampling aliasing reduction .

  26. 本文对阶层抽样的理论抽样数模型作了简化。

    In the present paper , the model of the theoretical sampling number for stage sampling was simplified .

  27. 在有限总体的抽样调查理论中,辅助信息的应用和轮换样本方法在经常性调查中占有重要的地位。

    In sampling finite populations , it is important to use the auxiliary information and the replacement policy in repeated surveys .

  28. 将缺陷率分层抽样模型理论应用于硐室属性数据不确定性分析与质量控制。

    The module of disfigurement stratified sampling was put forward to measure and control the accuracy of attribute data of chamber GIS .

  29. 通过对抽样调查理论的分析研究,结合居民出行调查的实际,探寻了抽样调查的方法和抽样率的算法;

    The paper also explored a sampling method and sample rate algorithm through analysis of the sample theory and the actual residents trip .

  30. 计量抽样检验理论及其在烟花厂的应用检验大货样品,和最后的抽样检查。

    Sample tests on the measurement theory and its application at a fire cracker plant Make pre-production , during production , and final random inspection .