
zhǔn wěn tài
  • quasi-steady-state;quasi-stable state
准稳态[zhǔn wěn tài]
  1. 系统研究氢原子Stark能谱的数值方法Ⅱ&准稳态及其线型

    Systematic numerical method for studying stark spectrum of hydrogen atom - quasi-stable state and its profile

  2. 准稳态转子感应电势定向的双馈调速风力发电机的研究

    Research on a quasi-stable state rotor EMF-oriented doubly fed winding induction machine in wind-energy generation

  3. 不同初始组织的3D晶粒长大仿真及其准稳态分布研究

    Simulation of 3D Grain Growth from Different Initial States and their Quasi-Stationary State Distributions

  4. H桥级联式SSSC阻抗补偿域及准稳态模型

    Impedance Compensation Domain and Quasi-Steady State Model of H-Bridge Cascaded SSSC

  5. 基于CSP理论修正的准稳态假设

    Modified QSSA Based on CSP Theory

  6. 提出了阻抗补偿域的概念,给出了确定阻抗补偿域的具体方法。首次给出了在一定参考阻抗下,计及脉冲触发时刻的H桥级联结构SSSC输出电压的准稳态数学模型。

    Also the concept of Impedance Compensation Domain , and quasi-steady mathematical model of output voltage were given firstly .

  7. 本研究旨在通过CT数据来对人足主要结构进行三维重建建立有限元模型,对跗跖关节进行准稳态有限元受力分析。

    This study was designed to establish three-dimensional reconstruction and the finite element model of the foot from the CT data and to study finite element stress of the tarsometatarsal joints in quasi-static load .

  8. 证明了传统的准稳态模型不适用于HVDC的高频动态特性分析。

    At last it is proved that conventional quasi-steady model of HVDC can not be suitable for analysis of high frequency dynamics in power system .

  9. 与国际上同类研究成果的比较进一步表明,不同β值的Weibull分布很适用于表征二维晶粒长大的准稳态晶粒尺寸分布,且表征效果优于文献中的已有工作。

    Comparison with some other results further suggests that Weibull distribution with different B values may well be used to describe the quasi-stationary grain size distribution .

  10. 计及直流侧电压波动及脉冲触发时刻,推导了在一定参考阻抗下H桥级联式SSSC输出电压的准稳态数学模型。

    In addition , the quasi-steady state model for single-phase output voltage taking into account the rule of DC voltage fluctuation and triggering time is deduced in the paper .

  11. CODAD推进系统准稳态建模方法及运行性能分析

    Modeling Method of Ship 's CODAD Propulsion System by Quasi-steady and Analysis of Its Operation Performance

  12. 另一方面,暂态稳定程序(TSP)使用HVDC和FACTS的准稳态模型仿真其对系统稳定性的影响。

    On the other hand , transient stability program ( TSP ) can efficiently simulate the performance of an extensive interconnected power system including HVDC and FACTS devices based on the single-phase quasi-steady state representations .

  13. 然后用FLUENT建立了喉栓式固体火箭发动机准稳态流场和非稳态流场的数值模型,用内弹道计算结果对数值模型进行了校验。

    Then we use FLUENT to establish the quasi-steady and unsteady numerical models of pintle thrust controlled solid rocket motor , and verify the model with internal ballistic of pintle controlled solid rocket motor .

  14. HT-7超导托卡马克是我国正在运行中的中型准稳态磁约束聚变实验研究装置,运行时产生一个复杂的瞬发混合辐射场。

    HT-7 Tokamak is a middle sized magnetic confinement fusion device in operation . It produces a complicated mixed prompt radiation field when working .

  15. 测定和分析了分流影响下的高温合金点焊动态电阻曲线,探讨了动态电阻曲线的准稳态电阻值rs与熔核直径dn之间的对应关系。

    The dynamic resistance curve ( DRC ) of high temperature alloy in spot welding under the shunt effect are measured and analyzed . The relationship between quasi steady resistance value rs of DRC and nugget diameter dn is discussed .

  16. HT7超导托卡马克致力于准稳态放电及相关物理的研究。

    The main efforts of HT-7 superconducting tokamak were directed to quasi-steady state discharges and their relevant physics .

  17. 将该模型用于次同步振荡(SSO)的特征值分析,并与传统的准稳态模型分析结果对比,证明HVDC准稳态模型适用于SSO分析。

    The model is applied in SSO analysis and the results are compared with those that utilize quasi-ste á dy model . It is proved that the quasi-steady model of HVDC is valid for normal SSO analysis .

  18. 论述了FHD仿真的详细模型和准稳态模型,并对励磁、电枢电流限制器和综合负荷进行了建模。

    Detailed and quasi steady-state models of FHD simulation are discussed , and over-excitation limiter , armature current limiter and synthetic load are modeled .

  19. 验证结果均表明:SSAP中所实现的HVDC准稳态模型是准确可靠的。(4)利用SSAP软件包对2010年南方电网多种运行方式进行了小干扰稳定分析。

    Results show that the HVDC quasi-steady-state model in SSAP is valid . ( 4 ) The small signal stability of Southern Power Grid in 2010 is analyzed by SSAP .

  20. 利用椭圆偏振光谱、反射谱、红外吸收谱和准稳态光电导(QSSPC)分析了氮化硅薄膜的特性。

    The characterization of SiN thin films was studied by spectral ellipsometry , reflection spectra , infrared absorption spectroscopy ( IR ) and quasi-steady state photoconductance ( QSSPC ) measurements .

  21. 食品真空冷冻干燥准稳态模型的研究

    Study on the Stable State Numerical Model to Vacuum Freeze Drying

  22. 战斗机大幅值机动运动准稳态设计方法

    Design of Quasi Steady State for Large Amplitude Maneuvering of Fighter

  23. 直流准稳态模型换相失败判断标准的工程实用整定方法研究

    Practical methods for setting commutation failure criteria for HVDC quasi-steady-state models

  24. 准稳态灵敏度的分析方法(5)灵敏度;苯噻草胺的分析方法

    New sensitivity analysis method under quasi steady state for power systems

  25. 变速转子准稳态主动平衡系统的增益调度控制

    Gain-Scheduling Control of Quasi Steady-State Active Balancing System of Speed-Varying Rotor

  26. 准稳态结霜模型求解与分析

    Solution and analysis of a quasi-steady state model for frost formation

  27. 准稳态温度场存在的充要条件

    On the Conditions Necessary and Sufficient for Establishing Quasistationary Temperature Distribution

  28. 准稳态法测量纳米颗粒悬浮液的热物性

    Thermophysical properties measurements of nanoparticle suspension using quasi-stable state method

  29. 真空冷冻干燥中能量控制下的准稳态模型研究

    Research on the quasi-steady model of energy balance in vacuum freeze drying

  30. 非、准稳态法综合导热实验台的设计与实验研究

    Experiment Study and Design of a Heat Conductivity Test Desk