
  1. 她那一腔妒心吞噬了她全身的气力。

    The jealousy which flooded her took away all the strength she had .

  2. 更有那一腔宁静的思想。

    A mind at peace with all below .

  3. 他们那种懒洋洋的含糊不清的声音,他沉得特别悦耳,但他们自己那轻快的土腔却总是吊在舌头上摆脱不了。

    Their lazy , voices fell pleasantly on his ears , but his own brisk brogue clung to his tongue .

  4. 相较英国战后那些“愤怒青年”作家——比如金斯利·埃米斯、约翰·奥斯本和他人而言,西利托显得卓尔不群。这份独特,和那一成不变的烟斗无关,和那一口诺丁汉腔的乡音无关,也和他那友善却令人尴尬的眼神无关。

    Alongside the " Angry Young Men " of post-war literary Britain - Kingsley Amis , John Osborne and the rest - he cut a different figure . It was not the constant pipe , or the Nottingham vowels , or the friendly but disconcerting stare .