
  • 网络wolke die
  1. 那些云彩在山顶上空停留不散。

    Clouds have settled over the mountain tops .

  2. 他已经无心欣赏那些云彩的奇幻形状,而想念起数十英里之下的火车来,那里有胖胖的女巫推着小车叫卖冰镇南瓜汁。

    He had stopped noticing the fantastic cloud shapes now and was thinking longingly of the train miles below , where you could buy ice-cold pumpkin juice from a trolley pushed by a plump witch .

  3. 那些象云彩飞来,象鸽子回笼的是谁?

    What are these that fly along like clouds , like doves to their cotes ?