  • image;idol;even;in pairs
  • by chance;by accident;once in a while;occasionally
  • 用木头或泥土等制成的人形:~像。木~戏。

  • 双,对,成双成对,与“奇(jī)”相对:~数。~语(相对私语)。对~。无独有~。

  • 事理上不一定要发生而发生的:~或。~然。~合。~尔。~感。~发事件。

  • 指丈夫或妻子:佳~。配~。


(用木头、泥土等制成的人像) image; idol:

  • 木偶

    wooden image; puppet;

  • 玩偶

    doll; toy figurine


(双数; 成对的) even (number); in pairs:

  • 无独有偶。

    It is not a unique instance, but has its counterpart.


(配偶) mate; spouse:

  • 佳偶

    good spouse; a happily married couple;

  • 丧偶

    bereft of one's spouse, esp. one's wife


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 偶桓

    Ou Huan


(偶然; 偶尔) by chance; by accident; once in a while; occasionally:

  • 偶遇

    meet by chance;

  • 偶瞥一眼

    glance occasionally at

  1. 然后就跟Jennifer和Marc接洽了这是美偶之前还是之后的事儿

    And then approached Jennifer and Marc.But this was after Idol or before Idol ?

  2. 对我来说淘汰人是最困难的了是啊Jennifer在美偶第一年的时候她压力就特别大

    That was the hardest part for me , it the cutting . Yeah Um , Jennifer 's first season of idol It really weighed on her .

  3. 现在已有非常可靠的报告证明该药物偶可引发心脏病。

    There have now been well authenticated reports that the use of this drug is very occasionally responsible for heart attacks .

  4. 过氧化苯甲酰、特别是偶氧二异丁腈不参加链移反应。

    Benzoylperoxide , and especially azobisisobutyronitrile , do not take part in transfer reactions .

  5. 有限群的p~*-幂零性和子群的θ-子群偶

    The p ~* - Nilpotency and θ - Pairs for Subgroups on Finite Groups

  6. 二部竞赛图的一类完全h强得分序列偶

    A Class of Forcibly h - strong Pairs of Score Sequence of Bipartite Tournament

  7. 数偶集合上k子集的计数

    On Counting k-Subsets of the Set of Ordered Couple

  8. 随机针偶与凸体K相交的几何概率问题

    A problem of geometric probability for random pairs of needles intersecting a convex body K

  9. 同时简要介绍了与PLC、数字显示表以及热偶真空计的串行通讯。

    And also introduce simply communicating with PLC , Data Display Device and Thermocouple Vacuometer .

  10. 全相位偶对称频率采样法设计FIR滤波器

    FIR Filter Design Based on All Phase Symmetric Frequency Sampling Method

  11. 完全偶图的P(2p)&分解

    P_ ( 2p )── Factorization of a Complete Bipartite Graph

  12. 基于特殊阵列递归构造Bent互补函数偶族

    Recursive construction based on special arrays for the families of Bent complementary function pairs

  13. 研究了偶、奇q-相干态光场的振幅平方压缩性质。

    It is pointed out that the even or the odd q-coherent states do not represent amplitude-squared squeezing properties .

  14. 有机质谱中的偶电子离子(EE)~+

    Even Electron Ions in Organic Mass Spectrometry ( I )

  15. Kerr偶奇相干态及其非经典性

    Kerr even and odd coherent states and Their Nonclassical Properties

  16. 相对论连续谱Hartree-Bogoliubov理论对Dy偶同位素链的研究

    Even Dy Isotopes in Relativistic Continuum Hartree - Bogoliubov Theory

  17. IL-8表达主要位于瘤细胞的细胞浆,偶见于浸润的炎症细胞。

    IL-8 was major expressed in cytoplasm of tumor cells , occasionally in infiltrated inflammatory cells .

  18. 水润滑下偶件表面粗糙度对PTFE复合材料摩擦学性能的影响

    Effect of the Surface Roughness of Matching Material on Tribological Properties of PTFE Composites under Water Lubrication

  19. 并针对不同的滤波器长度N和频率向量的设置(传统对称或偶对称),设计出了4种全相位半带滤波器。

    Moreover , corresponding to different filter length N and frequency vector setting modes ( traditional symmetry or even symmetry ), 4 types of all-phase half-band filters were designed .

  20. 半波对称FFT算法针对半波对称性信号只含奇次谐波分量的特点,在算法流程中省去了偶次谐波分量部分。

    The algorithm of half-wave symmetric FFT omits the even harmonics because the half-wave symmetric signals only have odd harmonics .

  21. 关于DF(11)型机车装用LSD280型柴油机喷油器针阀偶件的试验分析

    Analysis of LSD 280 injecter nozzle matching parts operation test on DF_ ( 11 ) locomotive

  22. Ψ(2S)粒子及粲夸克偶素物理实验研究&2001年度国家自然科学奖获奖项目介绍

    Experimental studies on physics of the ψ( 2s ) particle and other charmonium States

  23. 本文通过GC/MS谱分析研究了重氮负性胶片中醚类封闭偶合剂的解封历程。

    N this paper , two unblocking courses of the ether blocked-couplers in negative diazo type film have been studied by GC / MS analysis .

  24. 结果还表明该结构的偶-奇模特性阻抗Z(eo)随频率变化很大,当相对介电常数εr较小时,变化更大。

    It is shown that the even-odd mode impedance changes rapidly with frequency , especially when the dielectric constant er is small .

  25. 根据正交试验法,制定了喷油器控制腔偶件的加工方案,并就控制A、B量孔尺寸对液力响应的影响进行了试验研究。

    The machining project of control cavity was set down based on the orthogonal test method , and the influence of control hole A and B on the hydraulic response of injector was tested .

  26. Fullerene图中特殊位置上六偶体的共振性

    Resonance of sextet positioned specially in Fullerene graphs

  27. 本文讨论了非线性对称平板波导中的TE波的偶模及奇模的传输问题。

    The transmission problems of an even mode and an odd mode of TE waves in symmetric slab waveguides are considered .

  28. 本文采用由纯金属组成的和由稀土与CoNi合金组成的两类扩散偶,辅以电子探针、金相、SEM等手段测定了YCoNi三元相图1000℃恒温截面上的相关系。

    The isothermal section of Y-Co-Ni ternary system at 1000 ℃ was determined by diffusion couple and electron microprobe techniques , supplemented by optical microscopy , scanning electron microscopy .

  29. 当第二个H原子处在偶数位时,纳米管仍保持较好的导电性能,而吸附在奇数位时将使管的传输能力减弱。

    When the second H atom is adsorbed at the even site , the tube keeps its conductive characteristic , while the transfer ability of this tube is weaker for the case at odd site .

  30. 并介绍聚苯酯填充聚四氟乙烯的三大特点:极大的权限PV值、极低的磨耗量和不损伤对磨偶件。

    The three characteristics of PTFE filled with p-oxybenzoyl homopolyester are introduced , i.e.the biggest maximum PV value , the lest abrasion and outstanding kinetic friction .