
ǒu dàn shèn
  • arsenazo
  1. DCS-偶氮胂光度法测定钛酸锶烧结物中游离的氧化锶

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Strontium with DCS - Arsenazo

  2. 在碱性pH介质中,用稳定的偶氮胂Ⅲ试剂测定血清钙、灵敏度高于任何一种钙显色剂。

    To describe a procedure for determining serum calcum uring stable Arsenazo - ⅲ in an alkaline medium . It was the most seusitive reagent .

  3. 偶氮胂K光度法测定磷铁中镍

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Nickel in Ferrophosphorus with Arsenazo-K

  4. V(V)-(DBS-偶氮胂)-KBrO3体系催化动力学光度法研究

    A Study on Catalytic Kinetic Spectrophotometry of V ( V ) - ( DBS-Arsenazo ) - KBrO_3 System

  5. Pt(Ⅳ)-三氯偶氮胂-溴酸钾催化分光光度法测定微量铂的研究

    Catalytic Spectrophotometric Determination of Platinum (ⅳ) in Platinum (ⅳ) Platinum (ⅳ) Potassium Bromate Trichloro Arsenazo System

  6. 研究了DBM-偶氮胂(DBM-ASA)与血清白蛋白(BSA)的反应。

    The reaction between DBM-arsenazo and bovine serum albumin was studied .

  7. 本文研究了在乙醇存在的体系中偶氮胂Ⅲ与Th的显色反应条件。

    The condition of colour reaction of Th with arsenazo ⅲ has been studied in the presence of alcohol .

  8. Rh(Ⅲ)-DBC-偶氮胂络合物吸附波的研究

    Study on the polarographic adsorptive wave of rhodium ( ⅲ ) - arsenazo - DBC complex

  9. 新显色剂偶氮胂DBF分光光度法测定稀土元素研究

    New Chromogenic Reagent Arsenazo DBF Used for Spectrophotometric Determination of Rare Earth Elements

  10. 新试剂偶氮胂HCS用于海产品中微量钍的测定

    Photometric determination of thorium in seafood with a new reagent arsenazo-hcs

  11. 在硝酸介质中,钡与DBS偶氮胂形成稳定的紫红色络合物。

    A stable purplish red complex of barium and DBS-arsenazo was formed in the medium of nitric acid .

  12. 应用偶氮胂DCS测定铈组稀土及稀土总量建立了直接光度法测定钢铁样品中铈组稀土总量的方法。

    The Determination of Rare Earth Elements with Arsenazo-DCS The method was applied to determination of the total amount of cerium subgroup rare earths in steel samples with satisfactory results .

  13. 以DBN-偶氮胂作为微量钍的分光光度测定的显色剂。

    The application of DBN-arsenazo in determination of trace thorium was described .

  14. 本文研究了DCB偶氮胂与Cr2O2-7的褪色反应。

    The fading reaction of DCB arsenazo with Cr 2O 2 - 7 was studied .

  15. 甲基键合硅胶荧光反相薄层板的研制及其性能苯甲酰双偶氮胂Ⅰ氨丙基键合硅胶的制备、性质及其富集、分离痕量Pd(Ⅱ)的研究

    The Preparation and Characteristics of Fluorescence Reversed-Phase Thin-Layer Chromatography Plate Coating Methyl Bonded Silica Gel Study on Enrichment and Separation of Trace Pd (ⅱ) with Silica Gel Bonded by ( Benzoylazo-Arsenazo ⅰ) - Aminopropyl

  16. 偶氮胂Ⅲ测定法在血清钙自动分析中的应用分别比较Cys-C与Scr和Ccr的相关性。

    Arsenazo method for auto & analysis of serum calcium Serum creatinine ( Scr ) was determined by auto - analyzer .

  17. 研究了在硫酸介质中,痕量铬对催化过氧化氢氧化偶氮胂I的褪色反应及动力学条件,建立了测定痕量Cr的新方法。

    The catalytic spectrophotometric determination of trace chromium (ⅵ) has been investigated . This method is based on the Cr (ⅵ) can catalyze the decolouring oxidation reaction of arsenazo ⅰ by H 2O 2 in the medium of sulphuric acid .

  18. 在硫酸和热水浴中,Os(Ⅳ)催化高碘酸钾氧化偶氮胂Ⅲ褪色,建立了测定锇的新催化光度法。

    A new catalytic kinetic method for the determination of osmium was established based on the catalytic action of Os (ⅳ) on the oxidative fading between arsenazo ⅲ and KIO 4 in sulfuric acid medium on the hot water bath .

  19. 以水为介质,采用有机染料偶氮胂-III(ASA-III)溶液与纳米MCM-41分子筛液相移植法制备了(纳米MCM-41)-(偶氮胂-III)主-客体纳米复合材料。

    The host-guest nanocomposite materials ( nanometer MCM-41 ) - ( arsenazo-III ) were prepared by liquid grafting method using arsenazo-III and the nano - meter MCM-41 molecular sieve in water medium .

  20. N-1923萃取偶氮胂Ⅲ比色法测定矿石中低含量钍

    Extraction Colorimetric Determination of Micro Amounts of Thorium in Ores with N-1923 and Arsenazo ⅲ

  21. 本文基于在HAc-NaAc介质中,痕量锕(Ⅱ)催化抗坏血酸还原DBC-偶氮胂,使吸光度降低的变化,建立了一种新的测定痕量铜的催化动力光度分析法。

    A determination method for trace copper in HAc-NaAc solution by using of the catalysis of copper to the reduction of DBC-arsenazo by ascorbic acid has been investigated .

  22. 本文研究了DCS&偶氮胂与稀土的显色反应,在测定水中稀土时,用PMBP萃淋树脂分离干扰元素。

    The color reaction of rare earths with DCS-arsenazo has been studied . For the analysis of rare earths in water , interfering elements are separa-ted by using PMBP & containing resin .

  23. 试验了在6%(V/V)HCl中用铜铁试剂氯仿除去大部分钍,在10%HCl(V/V)中用二苯胍偶氮胂Ⅲ正丁醇除尽钍铀;

    Most of thorium was removed from the title ore in the 6V / V % HCl solution using cupferron choroform , and uranium and remainder thorium eliminated from 10 V / V % HCl solution by diphenyl guanidine ( DPG ) Arsenazo ⅲ n-butanol .

  24. 在H2SO4介质中,痕量钌的存在对KIO4-偶氮胂DBM的褪色反应有明显的催化作用,本文研究了该褪色反应的最佳条件及痕量钌的测定方法,检出限为0.001μg。

    A spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of Ruthenium , based on their catalytic effect on potassium periodate oxidation of arsenazo-DBM in H_2SO_4 medium . The optimum conditions of the reaction have been determined .

  25. 在乙醇存在下,以偶氮胂Ⅲ为指示剂,乙二胺、磺基水杨酸为掩蔽剂,EDTA容量法直接测定稀土萃取分离工艺负载有机相中稀土浓度。

    In the presence of ethyl alcohol , the content of rare earths ( RE ) in the organic phase of extraction obtained from the separation technology is directly titrated with EDTA , using arsenazo ⅲ as indicator and ethylenediamine and sulfosalicylic acid as masking agents .

  26. 研究了在H2SO4介质中Ce氧化偶氮胂Ⅲ(AsAⅢ)的褪色反应,加入TritonX100可提高反应的灵敏度,褪色程度与Ce量线性相关。

    The decolorization of arsenazo ⅲ( AsA ⅲ) oxidized by trace Ce $ in H_2SO_4 medium has been studied , the selectivity of reaction could be improved remarkably by adding Triton X-100 and its fading rate is linear with the contents of Ce $ .

  27. 钍-偶氮胂M络合物的研究及其在光度分析中的应用

    Study of the Thorium-arsenazo-M Complex and Its Application in Spectrophotometric Analysis

  28. 新显色剂DBN-偶氮胂作为测定痕量钍的显色剂

    Dbn-arsenazo as a new chromogenic reagents for determination of trace thorium

  29. 锆(铪)-偶氮胂Ⅲ的极谱络合吸附波

    Adsorptive complex wave of zirconium ( hafnium ) with arsenazo ⅲ

  30. 对乙酰偶氮胂分光光度法测定环境样品中微量镍

    Spectrophotometric determination of trace nickel in environmental samples by p-acetyl arsenazo