
  • 网络Sodium nitride;NaN
  1. 作为应用示例,已利用该技术选择性识别并定量分析了商品化胰岛素试剂盒中各种试剂、人血清白蛋白和羊抗人IgG抗体样品中的叠氮化钠。

    As a preliminary application , this novel technique has been employed to determine sodium azide in the reagents of the commercial insulin kit .

  2. 用不同浓度的甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)和叠氮化钠(NaN3)对蝴蝶兰类圆球茎(PLB)作不同时间处理。

    The PLB of Phalaenopsis was treated by EMS and NaN_3 with different concentration and different time .

  3. 通过DSC热分析方法对叠氮化钠气体发生剂的热分解动力学特性进行研究,揭示了叠氮化钠以及其他添加剂对化学反应的影响程度。

    By DSC thermal analysis method , the thermodynamics characteristics of gas generating agent with Sodium Azide have been researched , and the chemical reaction performance varying with the compositions is obtained .

  4. 本文以二聚脂肪酸、叠氮化钠、三苯基膦及N-氯代丁二酰亚胺为原料,通过Staudinger重排制备了三十四碳二聚脂肪酸二异氰酸酯(DDI)。

    In this dissertation , using dimeric fatty acid , sodium azide , triphenylphosphine and N-chloro succinimide as raw material , DDI was synthesized via staudinger rearrangement reaction .

  5. 用60Coγ射线和叠氮化钠(NaN3)处理玉米愈伤组织,在含1.0%NaCl的高渗培养基上筛选,对再生植株株系进行耐旱性鉴定。

    Maize callus was mutated by () ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - ray and sodium azide ( NaN_3 ), and screened on high osmotic medium with 1.0 % NaCl . The lines of the regenerated plants were identified for their drought tolerance .

  6. 采用Curtius重排反应,由芳酰氯和叠氮化钠合成芳香异氰酸酯的方法,分别研究了相转移催化剂、反应物料配比及反应温度对芳香异氰酸酯产率的影响,并由正交设计法确定最佳合成条件。

    Aromatic isocyanates was synthesized by Curtius rearrangement reaction . The effects of phase transfer catalysis , the mole ratio of reactant and reaction temperature on the yield of product have been studied . The optimum condition has been determined by the method of orthogonal design .

  7. 叠氮化钠对该漆酶有强烈的抑制作用。

    The laccase was strongly ( inhibited ) by sodium azide .

  8. 含叠氮化钠气体发生剂热动力学试验研究

    Experimental Study on Thermodynamics of Gas Generating Agent with Sodium Azide

  9. 叠氮化钠对花生丛生芽诱导的影响

    Effects of NaN_3 on Differentiation of Adventitious Shoots of Peanut

  10. 主导产品为用途广泛的叠氮化钠。

    Leading products for a wide range of uses of sodium azide .

  11. 叠氮化钠母液的处理和综合利用

    The Treatment and Comprehensive Utilization of The Mother Liquor of Sodium Azide

  12. 叠氮化钠不诱发根尖染色体畸变。

    Sodium azide did not induce any chromosomal aberration of root tip .

  13. 叠氮化钠联合卤化铵燃烧合成氮化硅粉体

    Combustion synthesis of Si_3N_4 powder using sodium azide and ammonium halide as additives

  14. 叠氮化钠有效诱发M2代叶绿素缺失突变。

    Sodium azide proved effective for inducing chlorophyll deficient mutations in M_2 generation .

  15. 叠氮化钠对不同大麦品种的诱变效应

    Mutagenic efficiencies of sodium azide in different barley cultivars

  16. 化学发光新技术的研究&外参比校正法识别生物样品中的叠氮化钠

    Study of New Chemiluminescence Technique & Recognition of Sodium Azide by External Reference Method

  17. 叠氮化钠对大豆M1的生物学诱变效应

    M_1 mutagenic effect on soybean induced by nan_3

  18. 叠氮化钠气体发生剂的研究

    Study on Composition of Sodium Azide Gas Generant

  19. 叠氮化钠所致大鼠中枢神经系统的病理改变

    Neuropathological changes in rats intoxicated with sodium azide

  20. 叠氮化钠在有机合成中的应用

    Application of Sodium Azide in Organic Synthesis

  21. 胡萝卜对叠氮化钠抑制超氧化物岐化酶与胆碱酯酶活性的拮抗作用

    The Antagonism of Carrot Juice to Inhibition of Sodium Azide on SOD and ChE Activities

  22. 叠氮化钠的毒性研究

    Studies on toxicity of sodium azide

  23. 激光烧蚀叠氮化钠产生的团簇离子及其分布

    Production and Distribution of Positive and Negative Ion Clusters Obtained by Laser Ablation of NaN_3 Solid

  24. 硫酸二乙酯、叠氮化钠对水稻种子萌发、幼苗初期生长的影响

    Effects of des , nan_3 on the seed germinating and seedling growing of rice at first days

  25. 本实验通过添加保护剂对酶液保护进行了研究,结果表明,四环素、叠氮化钠、硫代硫酸钠对酶液保护有促进作用。

    The results showed that , tetracycline , sodium azide , sodium thiosulfate had promoting effect on enzyme activity .

  26. 毛发硫营养不良:采用叠氮化钠依赖的氧化技术把半胱氨酸氧化成磺基丙氨酸测定人毛发和甲中半胱氨酸的含量

    Trichothiodystrophy : Quantification of cysteine in human hair and nails by application of sodium azide-dependent oxidation to cysteic acid

  27. 叠氮化钠催化热分解及其与氮气发生剂燃速相关性研究

    A study on the catalytic thermal decomposition of sodium azide and correlation with the nitrogen generating propellants ' burning rates

  28. 目前的非叠氮化钠气体发生剂的研究与发展是汽车安全气囊的一个主要方向。

    Currently , the research and development for gas generants of non-azide types is a main direction in automotive airbag field .

  29. 区别于以前常用的单个化学发光反应,偶合两个相似的化学发光反应,进行样品中叠氮化钠的选择性识别。

    Two CL reactions , not just one reaction as generally used before , were used for the recognition of sodium azide from other similar radical scavengers .

  30. 简要介绍了我厂10t/a叠氮化钠生产装置的特点,经试生产运行表明,该装置工艺可行、技术合理。

    Features of 10t / a sodium azide production plant by ourselves is introduced . The trial run shows that the mature process , advanced technique of the plant .