
  • 网络Carcinoma of the nasal cavity;nasal carcinoma
  1. 鼻腔癌及乳头状瘤DNA流式细胞术与核仁组成区嗜银蛋白定量分析的相关性研究

    Correlation between DNA Flow Cytometry and Nucleolar Organizer Region Data in Nasal Cancer and Papilloma

  2. 鼻腔癌临床TNM新分期的研究

    Exploration on new clinical staging system for carcinoma of nasal cavity

  3. 这表明甲醛诱发的大鼠鼻腔癌细胞系FAT7中所含的转化序列与H-ras、N-ras及p53基因无关,K-ras癌基因的活化可能参与甲醛致大鼠鼻腔癌。

    It was indicated that the activation of rat K-ras oncogene , but absence of H-ras , N-ras and p53 gene activation , might be involved in the development of formaldehyde-induced rat nasal carcinoma .

  4. 短期大剂量DNP皮下注射12次经45天后12只大鼠全部出现鼻腔癌前期病变,动物延至160天全部出现癌,作者认为可用作鼻腔、鼻咽癌前期的动物实验模型;

    Precancerous lesions of the nasal cavities were induced by a large dose of DNP subcutaneous injection 12 times in 45 days in 12 rats . Cancerous lesions developed in all the animals when the observation period prolonged to 160 days .

  5. 早期声门癌的放疗方法和疗效鼻腔癌的放射治疗

    Radiotherapy for early carcinoma of glottis : treatment methods and results

  6. 原发性鼻腔癌128例的治疗分析

    Treatment of cancer of the nasal cavity in 128 cases

  7. 鼻腔癌的放射治疗

    Nursing home radiotherapy of carcinoma of the nasal cavity

  8. 鼻腔癌的放射治疗鼻腔结构不良综合征及其对策

    RADIOTHERAPY OF CARCINOMA OF THE NASAL CAVITY The unhealthy nasal cavity structure and its treatment

  9. 鼻腔癌治疗效果分析

    Analysis of carcinoma of the nasal cavity

  10. 鼻咽、鼻腔癌放疗后继发肉瘤15例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 15 cases of radiation induced sarcoma in nasopharyngeal and nasal cavity carcinoma

  11. 其中舌癌3/4,下咽癌2/2,鼻腔癌1/1,口颊癌1/1。

    These 7 cured cases were 3 out of 4 tongue cancer , two of two hypopharyngeal cancer , and one each cancer of nasal cavity and oro buccal cancer .

  12. 头颈部肿瘤包括口腔癌,唾液腺癌,鼻窦和鼻腔癌,咽癌,喉癌和淋巴结癌等上颈部肿瘤。

    Head and neck cancers comprise cancer of the oral cavity , salivary glands , sinuses and nasal cavity , pharynx , larynx and lymph nodes in the upper neck area .

  13. 喉癌及鼻腔鼻窦癌患者淋巴细胞染色体不稳定性的研究

    Chromosome instability of lymphocytes in the patients with carcinoma of larynx , and cavum nasi and sinus paranasales

  14. 目的探讨早期鼻腔筛窦癌的治疗方法及其效果。

    To explore the treatment methods and long-term effect for early carcinomas of the nasal cavity and the ethmoid sinus .

  15. 结果表明:鼻咽癌、恶性肉芽肿和扁桃体恶性淋巴瘤病人全部阳性,其他如喉癌、鼻腔鼻窦癌、甲状腺癌等病人中也有部分阳性结果。

    The results showed 100 % positive reaction in the patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma , lethal midline granuloma and tonsillar malignant lymphoma ;

  16. 87例鼻腔鳞状细胞癌的治疗与预后

    Prognostic factors of nasal cavity squamous cell carcinoma

  17. 方法回顾分析87例鼻腔鳞状细胞癌患者的临床资料,探讨影响鼻腔鳞癌患者预后的因素。

    Methods Eight seven patients with squamous cell carcinoma of nasal cavity were analyzed retrospectively .

  18. 原发鼻腔透明细胞癌3例及文献复习

    Primary Clear Cell Carcinoma of Nasocavity : A Report of 3 Cases and Review of the Literature

  19. 累及前颅底或颅内的鼻腔副鼻窦癌经颅面联合进路显微外科治疗的研究

    The Study of Microsurgery for the tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses invading anterior skull base or intracranial tissue resected by combined craniofacial approach

  20. 方法收集529例鼻咽及鼻腔未分化癌患者的临床资料,观察HE染色切片和免疫组化结果。

    Methods Clinical data of 529 cases of undifferentiated carcinoma in nasopharynx and nasal cavity were studied , including the HE section and result of immunohistochemistry .

  21. 已随访8个月未见肿瘤复发及转移。结论:鼻腔神经内分泌癌为罕见的鼻腔恶性肿瘤。其发病可能与辐射相关,临床表现多样化。

    There was no recurrence during the follow-up of 8 months . Conclusion : Neuroendocrine carcinomas of the nasal cavity are rare tumors and the cause of it may be related to radiation exposure .

  22. 方法:分析本院1992年9月~2003年9月收治的3例原鼻腔透明细胞癌患者资料,均有病理证实,中位年龄为60岁;

    Methods : Three patients with CCCN hospitalized in Tianjin cancer hospital from august 1992 to September 2003 . All three male patients were pathologically confirmed , and the median age was 60 years old .

  23. 鼻腔良性病变和癌细胞DNA倍体分析

    Analysis of DNA ploidy in nasal benign disease and cancer

  24. 鼻腔鼻窦鳞状细胞癌组织中PCNA和EGFR的表达

    Expression of PCNA and EGFR in Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Nasal Cavities and Paranasal Sinuses

  25. 鼻腔鼻窦鳞癌、癌前期病变与癌基因c-myc扩增的相关性研究

    Relationship between the c - myc amplification and squamous cell carcinoma and inverted papilloma in nasal cavity and nasal sinus

  26. 结论鼻腔内翻乳头状瘤、淋巴瘤、鼻腔癌有不同的影像特点,CT扫描有助于诊断及鉴别鼻腔各种常见肿瘤。

    Conclusion There are different CT characteristics among the inverted papilloma , lymphoma and cancer in the nasal cavity , CT scan is helpful to diagnose and differential diagnose in the tumors of nasal cavity .

  27. 方法分析经病理证实的鼻腔肿瘤43例,内翻乳头状瘤12例(其中恶变2例),非霍奇金淋巴瘤12例,鼻腔癌19例。

    Methods CT findings of the nasal cavity tumor confirmed by pathology in 43 cases were reviewed retrospectively , including inverted papilloma ( 12 cases , 2 cases had malignant transformation ), non-Hodgkin lymphoma ( 12 cases ) and cancer ( 19 cases ) .