
ǒu yù
  • run into;cross path;meet by chance;meet by accident;run across;chance to meet;paths cross
  1. 从下线后感觉与一个很好的朋友路上偶遇却擦肩而过一样。

    It feel like chat good friend distance meet by chance but brushes past when come down on the net .

  2. 他们在大学偶遇,最后结了婚。

    They had met by chance at university and finished up getting married

  3. 他们再次偶遇的可能性非常小。

    It was highly unlikely that their paths would cross again

  4. 几年来,尤尔和柯克偶遇了很多次。

    Over the years , Yul and Kirk had crossed paths many times .

  5. 他在镇子以西约一英里处偶遇一大片林地。

    About a mile to the west of town he came upon a large wood .

  6. 她的生活因几年前同她以前的美术老师的偶遇改变了。

    Her life was changed by a chance meeting with her former art master a few years ago .

  7. 这样吧,我们就只读你让他们偶遇这一小段吧。

    Actually , let 's just read this little bit where you 've made them bump into each other .

  8. 在回家的路上,她偶遇一个老朋友。

    On her way home she encountered an old friend .

  9. 特蕾莎在一个社交网站上贴出了这次偶遇的照片,并配上了感人的话:"这个年轻人是我们家的福音!他这样做真是太贴心了。"

    Teresa posted a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website accompanied by the touching words :" What a blessing this young man was to our family ! He was so sweet and kind to do this ."

  10. 微软(Microsoft)上个月发布的一份新报告指出,共享的工作空间和开放式楼梯井,都有助于增加能够碰撞出新想法的偶遇。

    A new report out on Tuesday from Microsoft says shared workspaces and open stairwells all help encourage chance encounters that generate fresh ideas .

  11. Cloak程序的发明者布朗.摩尔和克里斯.贝克透露,他们的发明灵感是来源于经常和前女友的尴尬偶遇。

    Cloak developers Brian Moore and Chris Baker say they came up with the idea after too many chance encounters with ex-girlfriends .

  12. 结合实验从反应热力学角度讨论了除水机理,并指出在玻璃熔体中除水反应受熔体笼效应影响,反应速率大小取决于OH与CCl4形成偶遇对概率的大小。

    The rate of dehydration in the glass melt is affected by ' cage effect ' . The dehydration rate is controlled by the probability of forming encounter twins between OH and CCl4 .

  13. 纽约女作家萨拉·希博姆(SarahTheeboom)有一回偶遇旧友,发现几年不见,她原先干燥蜷曲的头发变得顺滑光亮,就立马向她求教。

    New Yorker Sarah Theeboom was inspired to give up using products on her hair after she ran into an old friend whose once dry , frizzy locks were smooth and shiny .

  14. 我曾有一次在街上偶遇这部电影的男主角,已故影星格里高利派克(GregoryPeck),即便是这都让我激动得说不出话来。

    I once ran into the film 's leading man , the late Gregory Peck , on the street , and even that choked me up .

  15. 据朋友说,她曾告诉一位朋友,她希望能在北京偶遇香港明星黎明(LeonLai),她是黎明的狂热粉丝。

    She told a friend she hoped in Beijing just by happenstance to bump into Cantopop star Leon Lai , whom she was ' crazy ' about , according to a friend .

  16. Russell说,他们因此常常假装没有认出曾经擦肩而过的某个人,以免显得对偶遇的过客过分热情。

    For this reason , says Russell , they often compensate by pretending not to recognize someone they met in passing , so as to avoid appearing to attribute undue importance to a fleeting encounter .

  17. 预告片中,布里奇特偶遇前任(科林·费尔斯饰),并与其上演了一出“点酒风波”。随后BJ怀孕被同事发现引发了一系列闹剧。

    The trailer shows how Bridget deals with encounters with her ex ( Colin Firth ) with alcohol-fuelled elan , and what happens when her colleagues find out she 's pregnant .

  18. 所以为了给英国食品正名,我在这里列个表,没有先后排名,这些食品绝对值得你尝一尝,哪怕是你偶遇到这些英式菜肴。1.BakewellTart贝克韦蛋挞

    So in defense of Britain 's food , here is a list , in no particular order , of some British dishes which are definitely worth a try if you ever come across them .

  19. 在那里,与napster一位联席创始人(他们曾让他在他们的公寓里留宿)的偶遇,帮助他们赢得了与硅谷融资家、在线转账系统paypal联席创始人彼得塞尔(peterthiel)的会面机会。

    There , a chance encounter with a co-founder of Napster ( whom they let crash in their flat ) , helped them land a meeting with Peter Thiel , a valley financier and co-founder of PayPal , the online money-transfer system .

  20. 据巴瑟罗说,当时那位妇女并不想和他说话,“她只是想睡觉。”巴瑟罗把这张照片和沿途拍的其他照片和短视频一起发到了他的Instagram主页上,并配了一个“公交站偶遇”的话题标签。

    According to Barcellos , the woman didn 't want to talk - " she just wanted to sleep . " He posted the photo on his Instagram profile with the hashtag \# BusStopTales , which is tied to a compilation of photos and short films taken along the road .

  21. 一星期前,我偶遇一个网上匪徒。

    Ago a week , I fall among a internet mobster .

  22. 他在田里散步,随手射中了一只偶遇的野兔。

    He strolled through the fields , potting the occasional rabbit .

  23. 我昨晚在饭店里偶遇失散多年的表妹。

    I stumbled across a long-lost cousin last night in a restaurant .

  24. 因此增加了偶遇有用品种的概率。

    And thus increases the chances of blundering across some useful ones .

  25. 昨天,我在酒馆偶遇一老友。

    Yesterday , I ran into an old friend in a pub .

  26. 一百万零半小时前偶遇的男人。

    I met a million and a half hours ago .

  27. 偶遇是一种现实情景,艺术家的创作就如同思想的偶遇。

    Foregather is a reality situation , artists'creation as a foregather of thinking .

  28. 我想这不是什么偶遇吧。

    I 'm betting this isn 't a coincidence .

  29. 关于我们在这里偶遇的事情。

    About us bumping into each other out here .

  30. 本:不,我们只是偶遇。

    It was . Ben : No. we just ran into each other .