
fū yǎn
  • elaborate;expound;spread;lay out;do sth. perfunctorily;perform one's duty negligently;be half-hearted about


fū yan
  • be perfunctory;go through the motions;whitewash;skimp
敷衍 [fū yǎn]
  • (1) [spread;lay out]∶敷布曼衍

  • 蓧荡敷衍。--张衡《西京赋》。综注:敷,布也;衍,蔓也。

  • (2) [do sth. perfunctorily;perform one's duty negligently;be half-hearted about]∶表面上应付

  • 警察出来敷衍一番

  • (3) [elaborate;expound]∶陈述并发挥

  • 上雅好《左氏春秋》,命冲与朱震专讲,冲敷衍经旨,因经规讽,上未尝不称善。--《宋史.范冲传》

敷衍[fū yǎn]
敷衍[fū yan]
  1. 爱情友情无法相提并论,不要敷衍了你们的曾经。

    Friendship cannot equate love , don 't elaborate your ever .

  2. 这一季的陈词滥调,敷衍了太多的悲伤和幸福。

    This one season cliches , elaborate too much sadness and happiness .

  3. 他完全是在敷衍我。

    He was very offhand with me .

  4. 他擦身而过,朝人群敷衍地挥了挥手。

    He brushed by with a perfunctory wave to the crowd .

  5. 杯子被倒满时米芝敷衍性地点头示意。

    Mitzi nodded a perfunctory acknowledgement as her glass was filled .

  6. “不完全是这样,先生,”斯隆敷衍道。

    ' Not exactly , sir , ' temporized Sloan .

  7. 他对同事们草草敷衍的工作鲜有耐心。

    He has little patience for sloppy work from colleagues

  8. 卡罗琳敷衍地笑了一下。

    Caroline made a faint attempt at a laugh

  9. 乔安娜曾有一两次敷衍着去帮助格雷厄姆年轻的妻子。

    Joanna had made one or two half-hearted attempts to befriend Graham 's young wife .

  10. 10年前的今天,美国疾病控制中心敷衍其事地发出了第一份警告:一场世界范围的流行病可能会出现。

    Ten years ago today the US Center for Disease Control published the first faint warnings of a worldwide epidemic .

  11. 他那些话分明是敷衍你的。

    Obviously , he said that just to satisfy you .

  12. 这几个钱只够我敷衍几天的。

    This money is barely enough for me to get by ( or manage ) a few days .

  13. 有争论的问题,要把是非弄明白,不要调和敷衍

    The rights and wrongs in any controversy should be clarified without compromise or glossing over .

  14. 霍尔兴致十足地向他打招呼,戈曼和沃森却满脸不豫之色,敷衍地咕哝句“早安”

    Hall greeted him jovially enough , but Gorman and Walson scowled as they grunted curt " Good Mornings . "

  15. 最后,他妻子不耐烦了,便随口敷衍了一句:“看不见!

    In the end , his wife got impatient and humoured him by saying : " No , I can 't. "

  16. 是啊!这真是敷衍的安慰。我的电话一直应接不暇,客户不断抱怨你卖给我的USB接线。

    Kevin : Yeah , well that 's cold comfort . My phone keeps ringing-off the hook with customers complaining about those USB cables you sold me .

  17. NHTSA归咎于脚刹,但是她归咎于电路(车包含电路部分和机械部分),又说丰田公司敷衍了她关心的事。

    NHTSA blamed a floor mat , but she blames the electronics and says Toyota dismissed her concerns .

  18. 同许多MVP级别运动员不一样,他不会为了匆匆了事来敷衍每个问题。杜兰特先生在回答每个问题前都会停顿、思考,尽管他的性格较为内向,但他似乎不惧敞开心扉。

    Unlike many M.V.P. - caliber athletes who seem to field every question seemingly looking for the quickest exit strategy , Mr. Durant paused to consider each question , and he seemed unafraid to open up , despite his natural shyness .

  19. 史蒂芬把他敷衍了一番,往后推托了一个星期。

    Stephen sweetened him up and put him off a week .

  20. 她敷衍得这么好,谁也不疑心她。

    She humoured the thing so well that nobody suspected her .

  21. 只知道去夺回属于你的,说出敷衍的陈词滥调。

    Take back what 's yours say something that you know .

  22. 他做事老是采取敷衍的态度,很不认真。

    He 's in the habit of working perfunctorily and half-heartedly .

  23. 这种含糊的诺言是敷衍不了我的。

    I won 't be put off with such vague promises .

  24. 我是说,几滴眼泪,一个敷衍的拥抱?

    I mean , a few tears , a cursory hug ?

  25. 你只会买东西来敷衍我。

    Don 't throw up in my face things you buy me .

  26. 这是一种轻率敷衍的处理问题的方式。

    This is a frivolous way of attacking the problem .

  27. 敷衍的再好,归根到底还是敷衍。

    Perfunctory is again good , in the final analysis is perfunctory .

  28. 对于我要求你做的事,别只是口头敷衍。

    Don 't just pay lip-service to what I ask of you .

  29. 你是在敷衍我,而我不想被人敷衍。

    You 're patronizing me , and I will not be patronized .

  30. 请你不要再用那些社交谎言来敷衍了。

    Please don 't build any convenient social lies on my behalf .