
  • 网络simultaneous estimation
  1. 基于MRAS同时估计感应电机转子转速和时间常数

    MRAS-Based Simultaneous Estimation of Speed and Time Constant of Induction Motor

  2. 研究如何利用电磁矢量传感器阵列中隐含的冗余空域信息解决多个相干极化信号源的二维波达方向(DOA)和极化参数的同时估计问题。

    This paper studies the problem of simultaneous estimation of two-dimensional directions - of-arrival ( DOA ) and polarizations of multiple coherent sources using redundant spatial coherence structure potentially possessed by an electromagnetic ( EM ) vector sensor array .

  3. 有色噪声背景下多径信号的二维DOA和极化参数同时估计算法

    Algorithm for Estimating 2-D direction of arrival and polarization of multiple signals in colored noise

  4. 提出了一种可以从含有噪声的混沌时间序列中同时估计最大Lyapunov(?)指数和噪声水平的新方法。

    A novel method for estimating simultaneously the largest Lyapunov exponent and noise level from a noisy chaotic time series is presented .

  5. 二种同时估计信源位置和信号发射时间的TOA算法

    Two TOA-based Location Algorithms Which Can Simultaneously Estimate the Source 's Position and the Transmitted Time

  6. Box-Jenkins模型阶次与参数同时估计的递推算法

    Recursive algorithm for simultaneous identification of Box-Jenkins model order and parameters

  7. 这样本文就提供了一个区别于以往的方法用以同时估计不同步骤中的不同Copula参数的方法。

    This provides an essential difference from previous approaches in literatures where different Copula parameters are estimated separately in separate steps .

  8. 研究了Box-Jenkins模型阶次与参数的同时估计问题。

    The problem of simultaneous identification of Box-Jenkins model order and parameter are investigated .

  9. 在高斯分布延迟下,最大似然估计(MLE)可同时估计时钟偏移和漂移。

    Maximum Likelihood estimators ( MLE ) are derived for both clock offset and skew estimation under Gaussian distributed delays .

  10. 本文提出了同时估计线性多变量系统所有参数的联合辨识算法(CIA),并用随机过程理论分析了算法的收敛性。

    In this paper , the combined identification algorithm ( CTA ) for linear multivariable systems is presented which can simultaneously estimate all parameters of the whole system .

  11. 本文考虑了参数估计在加权损失类下的稳健性问题,在加权损失类下,构造了一致改进估计,并且对Poisson均值参数的同时估计问题,给出了一类更广的不等压缩估计。

    The present paper covers the loss-robust problem under a class of weighted loss functions and some universal improved estimators . Specially , we give some unequal shrink estimators in Poisson-Means estimation problem .

  12. 该方法首先研究了噪声对嵌入相空间中两点距离的影响,然后根据最大Lyapunov指数在不同维嵌入相空间中不变的性质,提出了从时间序列同时估计最大Lyapunov指数和噪声水平的方法。

    The influence of noise on the distance of two points in an embedding phase space is researched , and then our algorithm is proposed based on the invariant of the largest Lyapunov exponent in different dimensional embedding phase spaces .

  13. 本文提出用信息论准则AIC同时估计VLBI的钟性能的跳变次数、跳变时刻以及钟的模型。

    The number and time of the broken points and the model in every section for VLBI clock behaviour estimated simultaneously by the information theory criterion ( AIC ) are presented in this paper .

  14. 由于PBD算法需要在估计样本函数的同时估计PSF的参数,一般采用的PSF的模型较为复杂,计算量大,收敛慢;

    The PBD algorithm needed to simultaneously estimate the specimen function and the parameters of the PSF , while the PSF model was complicated , needed a large number of computation and converged slowly .

  15. 其中,基于四阶累积量2-D切片的检测方法能够很好地抑制高斯噪声,并且兼顾了时域相关检测和平方倍频检测两种方法的特点,能够同时估计出载波频率和扩频码周期两个参数。

    Because the detector based on the fourth-order cumulant 2-D slice , which has better ability to suppress Gaussian noise , possesses both characters of square detector and correlation detector , it can estimate not only the carrier frequency , but also the symbol period .

  16. 在平方损失下,考虑p(p≥3)个位置参数的同时估计.对均匀分布、双指数分布给出了控制通常估计量的改进估计量,推广了Shinozaki(1984)的主要结果。

    Simultaneous estimation of p ( p ≥ 3 ) location parameters is considered under quadratic loss . Improved estimators which dominate the usual estimators are given for uniform and double exponential distributions , the main results of Shinozaki ( 1984 ) are generalized .

  17. SLAM在随机过程框架内,通过概率推演的方法实现移动机器人状态与环境路标状态的同时估计,被认为是实现全自主移动机器人的关键。

    Within the framework of the random process , SLAM achieved the estimation of the mobile robot state and environment landmark state at the same time by way of the probabilistic inference which is considered to be crucial for autonomous mobile robots .

  18. 研究了基于双传感器观测数据的二阶统计量和高阶统计量的复模糊函数到达时差/频差(TDOA/FDOA)同时估计算法CAF-SOS、CAF-HOS。

    The estimation algorithms of CAF-SOS and CAF-HOS for TDOA / FDOA based on complex ambiguity function of second-order statistics and high-order statistics of dual-sensor observation data are discussed .

  19. 用作者研制的加速遗传算法可同时估计BM模型各参数,成功地解决了BM建模这一难题,为BM模型的广泛应用提供了强有力的工具。

    With the accelerating genetic algorithm developed by the authors , all parameters of BM can be optimized at the same time , and the difficulty problem for the modeling BM is resolved , which gives a strong tool for widely using BM .

  20. 方法应用广义估计方程2(GEE2)对上海地区的256个SLE家系(共1873例家系成员)调查资料进行了分析。GEE2可同时估计均数结构和关联结构的边际回归模型。

    Methods Data from a genetic epidemiologic study on SLE in Shanghai was analyzed by using generalized estimating equation 2 ( GEE2 ), which can estimate both regression coefficients and familial correlation .

  21. 研究了采用纵横向耦合且具有线加速度反馈的非线性观测器方法,该方法能够同时估计迎角和侧滑角参数,并采用Extrem优化方法对其反馈参数增益参数进行了优化设计。

    The observer using the coupling of axial and lateral and having feedback of acceleration is investigated . This method can estimate the angle of attack and the sideslip angle synchronously . An optimization named Extrem is applied to optimize the feedback plus matrix .

  22. 二阶矩同时估计的可容许性

    Admissibility of simultaneous estimators for moments of order 1 and 2

  23. 多项式模型方次与参数同时估计的正交化法

    Orthogonalization method of simultaneous estimation of polynomial model order and parameter

  24. 阵列信号波达方向-频率的同时估计方法

    Direction of Arrival and Frequency Estimation in Array Signal Processing

  25. 空间相干源信号频率和波达方向的同时估计方法

    A New Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Frequency and DOA of Emitters

  26. 基于子空间旋转的信号频率和波达方向同时估计方法

    Simultaneous Estimation of Frequency and DOA of Emitters Based on Signal-Subspace Rotation

  27. 四元数在方向角和多普勒频率同时估计中的应用

    Application of Quaternion in DOA and Doppler Frequency Estimation

  28. 用得到的图模型来表示总体布线信息,从而可以在总体布局优化的同时估计布线对芯片面积的影响,并对总体布线进行调整。

    The graph model is utilized for new expression of global wiring information .

  29. 同时估计回归函数零点及噪声参数

    Simultaneous estimation of both the zero of a regression function and parameters in noise

  30. 一种同时估计状态及参数的非线性过滤器

    A type of nonlinear filter & being able to identify states and parameters simultaneously