
  1. 70-90年代末中(国)印(度)教育投资效率效益的分析比较

    The comparison on the efficiency and benefit of education investment between China and India in 70-90s

  2. 同印折光装饰技术的出现,给我国网印包装行业带来了机会。

    The decorating technology producing refractive effect with or printing offers an opportunity for package printing industry .

  3. 尽管印度不是《不扩散核武器条约》的成员国,但印美的民用核交易行为和美国法律上对印度的核项目的认可,肯定会给印度以核技术上的优势。

    Indo-US civil nuclear deal certainly provided India with nuclear supremacy in terms of nuclear technology and de jure recognition to Indian nuclear program , though India is not a party to NPT ( Nuclear nonproliferation Treaty ) .