
  1. 外汇指定银行自身涉外收入和对外款无需进行国际收支统计间接申报,但须进行金融机构境外资产、负债及损益申报。

    As for its own foreign-related revenues and foreign payment , the authorized bank for dealing in foreign exchange need not make indirect reports of statistics of balance of payments , but shall make the reports of overseas assets , liabilities , profits and losses of financial institution .

  2. 通过上述方法,可以有效地避免国际收支漏申报、迟申报发生,尽可能地降低国际收支错申报发生概率,最大程度提高基层国际收支统计申报数据质量。

    Through the above method , we can effectively avoid the leaking and late reporting , as far as possible to reduce the wrong declaration , improve grass-roots balance of payments statistics and reporting data quality .