
  1. 在一大锅沸水中煮意大利面。

    Cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling water .

  2. 他以前常常煮几大锅的意大利面。

    He used to cook up great cauldrons of pasta .

  3. 海伦今晚将煮加肉酱的意大利面。

    Helen will cook spaghetti with meat sauce tonight .

  4. 放入煮过之意大利扁面拌炒。

    Stir in the freshly boiled taglierini and fry .

  5. 在加州,家庭厨师和餐馆大厨开始适应新的事实,他们不再开大水龙头冲洗蔬菜,煮一大锅水做意大利面之前也会三思而行。

    Across California , home cooks and restaurant chefs are adjusting to a new reality in kitchens where water once flowed freely over sinks full of vegetables , and no one thought twice about firing up a big pot of water for pasta .