
  1. 冬瓜枣加工过程中,着色时间对总糖含量、维生素C含量有显著性影响,煮枣时间和烘枣时间对总糖含量有显著性影响。

    Coloring total sugar content , vitamin C content has a significant impact , cook jujube and bake date have a significant impact on the total sugar content .

  2. 煮枣处理加工成的焦枣果皮颜色深而亮,呈深紫红。

    Cooking jujube processed into coke jujube skin deep and bright color , dark purple .

  3. 煮后的枣果倒入烘罩,盖上烘盖开始烘枣。

    The jujube boiled pour baking cover , cover bake baking lid start jujube .