
  • 网络boiling;cooked
  1. 煮制后烘干组盐水鸭的脂肪、pH值、氯化钠含量均最高。

    After boiling , duck meat of drying group had the highest fat and salt content and the pH value .

  2. 关键点为清洗、煮制、包装、微波杀菌。

    The CCPs include the procedure of cleaning , boiling , packaging and microwave sterilization .

  3. 污染样品煮制、炸制后,样品中DEHP的含量显著降低。

    The amount of DEHP in contaminated samples significantly decreased after cooking and frying .

  4. 鹰爪虾虾仁煮制工艺研究及残留微生物分析

    Effect of cooking technology on quality of peeled shrimp and remnant microorganism analysis

  5. 普罗旺斯杂烩是一道蔬菜经煮制再加上普罗旺斯浓汁烧的菜。

    Ratatouille is a Provencal dish of stewed vegetable .

  6. 结论:商陆以30%醋煮制为佳。

    Conclusions : Radix Phytolaccae processed with 30 % vinegar is the best .

  7. 壳聚糖在中式煮制肉制品中的应用研究

    Application of Chitosan in Chinese Traditional Meat Product

  8. 糖膏非牛顿型流体特性对煮制过程影响的探讨

    Research on the Influence of the Non-Newton Fluid Properties of Massecuites on the Boiling Process

  9. 回归分析表明,煮制损失最能反映猪肉剪切力。

    Regression analysis indicated that cooking losses were the most useful predictor for pork tenderness .

  10. 结果不同方法加工杭白芍样品的芍药苷含量:传统去皮煮制为1.150%;

    RESULTS The PF content of White Peony Root by the hereditary processing was 1.150 % .

  11. 解决了传统煮制法生产果脯存在的甜腻、软烂问题。

    The problem of the traditional method for making the preserves to exist soft was resolved .

  12. 采用煮制方式ⅱ,出品率为46.2%。

    The best way of cooking was No. ⅱ . The rate of produce was 46.2 % .

  13. 小麦不同水氮运筹对面条煮制品质的影响

    Effects of Different Irrigation and Nitrogen Application Regimes in Winter Wheat on Cooking Qualities of Chinese Noodle

  14. 以盐水鸭为煮制材料,对超声波用于辅助传统加热方式煮制肉品的可行性进行了探讨。

    The feasibility of cooking meat method assistant with ultrasonic was discussed using salted duck as materials .

  15. 与普通煮制葵花籽相比,焦香味成分含量明显增加。

    Compared with common boiled sunflower seeds , the content of components with caramel aroma was obviously increased .

  16. 面条的最佳煮制时间和蒸煮吸水率随着苜蓿粉添加量的增加而减小;

    With the increase of alfalfa added , the optimum cooking time and cooking absorption of fresh noodle shortened ;

  17. 连皮煮制后去皮和有皮分别为1.544%和1.439%;

    After being decocted , the PF contents in the peeled and no-peeled samples were 1.544 % and 1.439 % respectively .

  18. 腌制、烤制和煮制等加工工艺都可以使鸭肉的挥发性香味成分含量增加,氧化程度增加。

    Soused , grilled , cooking and other processing techniques can increase the volatile components and the degree of oxidation of duck meat .

  19. 目前国内很多的中小型企业的煮制工段长期都是依靠富有经验的工人手动控制,没有实现自动化,糖的产量和质量不高且生产效率低下。

    However , many enterprises in China rely on the experienced and skilled worker to operate and control the process of sugar boiling .

  20. 西式兔肉火腿肠以兔肉为主要原料,经选择与处理、腌制、滚揉、煮制、烘烤等工艺制成。

    It is made up after carefully choosing , treating , and made by pickling , rolling and rubbing , boiling and baking .

  21. 传统的牛肉干是经煮制、干燥脱水制作而成,质地干硬,色泽深褐,风味单一。

    The traditional beef jerky have hard texture properties , dark colour and single flavours because of the process of cooking and dehydration .

  22. 复合果冻:复合果冻是用安梨汁和苹果汁(1:0.5)混合煮制而成,冻体透明有光泽,浅黄色;

    Complex jelly : The jelly was made of Anli pear juice and apple juice ( 1 : 0 . 5 ) by boiling .

  23. 亚硝酸钠含量、煮制温度和时间对蒸煮火腿中亚硝胺形成量的影响及其相关性研究

    Effect of sodium nitrite contents , cooking temperature and time on the formation of N-nitrosamine in cooked ham and study on the corresponding correlations

  24. 这种网络结构的连续程度可能与和面时的加水量、煮制时间及淀粉粒糊化后体积的膨大程度有关。

    Protein affected on noodle properties made from wheat flour mainly by the way of its continuous net structure made after absorbing water and denaturing .

  25. 当他把满满一大杯新鲜煮制的咖啡端给我时,蒸腾的香气扑面而来。

    When he handed me a porcelain mug filled with the freshly brewed coffee , the steam and the aroma seemed to envelop my entire face .

  26. 以新鲜牛肉为原料,经过嫩化、煮制、用三种香辛料提取液浸渍、真空包装、二次灭菌生产出质量符合国家标准的低温五香牛肉。

    In this paper , low-temperature spiced beef was manufactured with fresh beef as experimental materials through coating it with spices extrication , vacuum packaging , sterilizing .

  27. 本工艺以肉兔为主要原料,经腌制、煮制、烟熏等工序,制得具有烟熏风味的五香产品。

    In the present technology rabbit was used as the raw material , and applying curing , cooking and smoking , a product with smoke flavor was prepared .

  28. 煮制次数、腌制次数对新卤、老卤中的挥发性风味物质的种类和含量均有较大影响。

    The times of cooking and curing had great influence on the types and contents of volatile flavor compounds in the fresh brine and in the aged one .

  29. 采用蔗糖、淀粉糖一次煮制的方法,并进行护色、脱涩处理,研制出低糖、低甜度猕猴桃果脯。

    The low-sug ar , low-sweetness preserved kiwi are protected color and depuckeried and prepared by boiling mixed solution of sucrose , starch sug ar once in a way .

  30. 试验表明,影响兔肉挤压火腿品质和出品率的主要因素是盐水注射量、淀粉添加量和煮制温度。

    The experiments show that the most important factors influencing the quality and the ratio of rabbit meat cooked ham are the quantities of saltwater . starch additives and the boiling temperature .