
  1. 德国中央银行已经陷入至少8000亿美元的外围国债危机,相当于德国1/4的GDP。

    Germany 's central bank , the Bundesbank , is already on the hook for at least 800 billion dollars of peripheral country debt . And that 's about a quarter of German GDP .

  2. 德国的中央银行,邦德银行,已经陷入至少8000亿美元的外围国债危机,这一数目相当于德国GDP产值的1/4。

    But they are fraying . Germany 's centralbank , the Bundes bank , is already on the hook for at least 800 billion dollarsof peripheral country debt . And that 's about a quarter of German GDP .

  3. 美国国债危机的政治后果可能近乎同样严重。

    Politically , the consequences could be almost as serious .

  4. 此外,美国国债危机有可能带来更具灾难性的后果,远不止让经济产出萎缩两、三个百分点那么简单。

    More than that , a Treasury crisis could potentially have consequences more catastrophic by far than the loss of two or three percentage points of output .

  5. 只需看几眼报纸的其他新闻就清楚原因何在。投资者对于欧洲各国政要处理国债危机的不力感到震惊,并对该地区银行资产的健康情况十分担忧。

    Investors are mesmerised by the inability of European politicians to deal with the sovereign-debt crisis and are worried about the health of the region 's banks .

  6. 虽然葡萄牙的预算赤字和政府债务比希腊低,但该国被广为推测是下一个有国债危机的欧盟国家。

    Portugal , despite a smaller budget deficit and lower public debt than Greece , is widely touted as the next European country that may suffer a sovereign-debt crisis .

  7. 总之,美国国债市场的危机将震撼世界,仅仅是其可能性应该就会让政策制定者感到恐慌。

    In short , a crisis in the Treasury market would be seismic , and the mere possibility should terrify policymakers .

  8. 但是这个国家需要救助两大银行,去年,由于希腊债务违约,造成这两家持有大量希腊国债的银行面临危机。

    But the country needs to bailout two banks weakened last year , when Greece defaulted on bonds those banks had bought .

  9. 投资者们昨天发出信号表示对美国经济日益担忧,推动国债收益率跌至危机顶点以来的最低水平。

    Investors yesterday signalled growing concerns about the US economy , pushing bond yields down to the lowest levels since the height of the crisis .

  10. 国债回购的会计处理并不能从根本上解决国债回购危机,但可为从制度上解决国债回购危机奠定基础。

    The accounting treatment of the state owned bond repurchase cannot solve the crisis of the business fundamentally , but it can be a good basis to systematically solve the crisis .