
  • 网络urban legend
  1. 据都市传说记载,李总理拜访了一位风水大师,也就是当时光明山普觉禅寺的住持:宏船法师(ReverendHongChuan)。

    According to urban legend , Prime Minister Lee visited a feng shui master named Reverend Hong Chuan .

  2. 粉鬼(PinkyPinky)的故事是由都市传说和荒诞故事杂糅而成。

    The story of Pinky Pinky is an urban legend and old wives ' tale rolled into one .

  3. 那不过是一种都市传说。

    I think it 's an urban legend .

  4. 还是这是一个都市传说?

    Or is that an urban legend ?

  5. 纯粹是荒谬的都市传说。

    It 's just urban legend bullshit .

  6. 我喜欢美好的都市传说

    I love a good urban legend .

  7. 这个都市传说是我们传起来的。

    We actually started an urban legend .

  8. 这是一个虚构的都市传说。

    It is an urban myth .

  9. 在一次周末野营旅行中,一群伙伴决定去调查一个当地的都市传说。

    A group of friends on a weekend camping trip decide to investigate a local urban legend .

  10. 因此,没有任何两个版本的都市传说会完全的相似,他们就像故事的讲述者的不同而有所差别。

    Hence , no two versions of an urban legend are ever exactly alike ; there can be as many variants as there are tellers of the tale .

  11. 不过,Snopes.com的都市传说专家称,大多数专家将其归功于在16世纪颁行格列高利历(公历)的教皇格列高利十三世。

    However the urban legend experts at Snopes.com say that most experts give credit to Pope Gregory XIII , who , in the 1500s , gave the world the Gregorian calendar .

  12. 尽管都市传说大都是虚构的,但也不乏有令人毛骨悚然的真实故事,因为民宅入侵者使用相似的手段进入受害人家中。

    While the specific stories of this urban legend are just myths , there is a chilling undertone of truth to it , since home invaders have been documented using tactics similar to this to get into people 's homes .

  13. 当然,这故事不是真的,这是一个都市传传说,从二十世纪七十年代口口相传至今。

    That story isn 't true , of course ; it 's an urban legend , circulating by word of mouth since the1970s .

  14. 时间来到了2005年,山姆和他的女友参加班级的睡衣晚会,在讨论都市传奇和当地传说的同时,他们召唤玛丽的名字,并将她带回了人间。

    The time came in2005 , Sam and his girlfriend attend classes pajamas party in the discussion of urban legends and local legend same time , they call Marys name , and she was back to the earth .