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  1. 每个罐子里都来自于大夫跑过的旧跑道

    Each of those jars contains dirt from all the old tracks the doc raced on

  2. 现在全船的人都齐了。大夫昨天晚上从伦敦赶来了。

    The doctor came from London last night , so now the ship 's company is complete .

  3. “他们在温泉关打到最后一个人都死光了,大夫。不是吗?”

    " They died to the last man at thermopylae , didn 't they , doctor ?"

  4. 他疼得连路都走不了,大夫说如果把他送到医院,也许他会好起来的。

    He 's in great pain and cant walk , but the doctor says that if I can get him to the hospital , then perhaps hell get well again .

  5. 你真是一点人情味都没有,”大夫冷笑着说,“而我的感受可能会让你大为吃惊,希尔弗先生。

    I suppose you would hardly ask me to call you a humane man , 'returned the doctor , with a sneer , 'and so my feelings may surprise you , master silver .