
  1. 中小学是义务教育领域的重要阶段,也是学生人生观、价值观、民族归属感建立和形成的重要时期。

    Primary and secondary schools is an important stage of compulsory education in the field , but also the students ' outlook on life , an important period for the establishment and formation of values , national sense of belonging .

  2. 汉服作为汉族人的文化象征受到广泛关注,其本质就是人们通过服饰来寻求民族文化归属感。

    Han Fu as a symbol of widespread concern about the culture , its essence is that people seek cultural sense of belonging through clothing .

  3. 借助公告资源,奥巴马总统增强了民众的民族责任感和归属感,促进了民族团结。

    By means of resources of Proclaim , the president manages to foster a strong sense of responsibility , a strong sense of belonging and a strong sense of national solidarity among American people .

  4. 民族国家认同是指对于民族国家的归属感,是目前国际社会上最基本的一种认同与归属形式。

    The nation-state identity is a sense of belonging to the nation-state , which is also the most basic form of recognition in the international community currently .

  5. 民族认同虽然在不同时代、不同地点表现出不同的形式,但总能产生强大的民族凝聚力和情感归属感,同时也是中华民族赖以生存发展和团结统一的内在动力。

    Although the meaning of " National identity " shows different forms at different times and locations , it always evolves powerful cohesiveness and national belongings .