
  • 网络folk writing
  1. 乡愁:民间写作刍议

    Nostalgia : An Initiative Review of " Folk Writing "

  2. 毛时代的民间写作初论

    Study on " Mao-time Folk Writing "

  3. 在词语的废墟上&试论90年代诗歌民间写作实践的启示

    On the Ruins of the Word & Discussion in the 1990s Poetry " Folk Writing " Practice Enlightenment

  4. 知识分子写作和民间写作是超越朦胧诗的不同途径并真正萌生了新的审美原则。

    Intellectual writing and folk writing are two ways to transcend misty poetry and also germinated new aesthetic principle .

  5. 20世纪90年代中期以来,文学界裂变为主旋律写作、知识分子写作和民间写作。

    Ever since the 1990s , China 's literature has been divided into three categories : Thematic Writing , Highbrow Writing and Folk writing .

  6. 莫言提出的‘民间写作’即‘自我写作’以一种民间的参与精神捕捉到了文艺的生命。

    Mo Yan has successfully captured the life of literature through his proposition that the masses writing is individual writing in the way of the masses participation therein .

  7. 而民间写作承继的却是后朦胧诗人群的后现代主义哲学理论:反文化,反崇高,消解意义,颠覆中心。

    While " the folk writing " succeeds to the post-Modernism philosophic theory of " the post-misty poetry " group , including anti-culture , anti-loftiness , removal of meaning and withdrawal of center .

  8. 20世纪末中国诗坛上爆发了知识分子和民间写作之间的一场激烈论争,即盘峰论争。

    At the end of the twentieth century a fierce debate between " intellectuals " and " the folk writing " broke out in Chinese poetry , namely " Pan Feng debate " .

  9. 这三种民间写作方式只是民间写作的三种倾向,不足以代表民间写作的全貌,但是在他们的作品中,却程度不同地反映了对民间的理解。

    Three folk writing these way only folk three inclination of writing , enough to represent folk overall picture of writing , But in their works , the reflection with different degree , to folk understanding .

  10. 因此,认真研究90年代小说中的民间写作,对于我们吸取经验教训,进一步把握现代文学的发展方向,仍然具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    So , it is still of important significance of theory and reality for us to learn lessons and further grasp the development direction of modern literature if we study carefully the civil composition of 90 's.

  11. 他们继承古代文学兴味传统,自觉接受传统小说与西方小说的影响,立足民间写作立场,并积极汲取民间文学营养。

    They inherit the " Xingwei " tradition of ancient literature , and meanwhile , consciously accept the influence of traditional and western novels which base on the folk writing stand , and actively draw nutrition from folk literature .

  12. 王安忆关于这些主题的表现手法主要采取了欲望化写作和民间叙事写作。

    Her writing techniques are appetite writing and folk stories narrating .

  13. 民间语言写作的自觉

    Consciousness of Folk Language Writing

  14. 《檀香刑》可称为相当纯粹的民间化写作,它的形式、语言及内在精神都是真正民间意识的勃发。

    " The Punishment of Sandalwood " can be called a pure folk work , and its form , language , and internal spirit are the bursting of genuine folk consciousness .

  15. “知识分子写作”与“民间立场”写作之争,是朦胧诗以来最大的一次诗歌论争。

    The argument between intellectual writing and folk position has been the most effective one since Menglong Poem .

  16. 在想象民间社会的过程中,民间语言写作是完成这种想象的重要途径。

    In the process of imagining the folk society , folk language writing is the important way of completing this kind of imagination .

  17. 这一诗学立场是对《诗经》的民间传统的扬弃,也不同于陈思和所揭示的民间写作,具有独特的理论内涵,主要指独立精神和自由创作的品质(韩东语)。

    This poetic position abandons the folk tradition in " The Book of Songs " and it is different from the folk writing as Chen reveals . It has distinct theoretical intension , mainly refers to independent spirit and freelance writing ( said by Han Dong ) .

  18. 因此,论文主体部分首先由莫言的《文学创作的民间资源》一文为启发点,阐释了莫言真诚而朴素的民间写作立场&作为老百姓的写作。

    The main part of this thesis begins with the folk resources of literature creation , explaining Mo Yan 's stand on folk writing - " writing as the civilian " .