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mín jiān ɡē yáo
  • ballad
  1. 人类婚姻制度、习俗很早就在民间歌谣中有所反映了。

    The marriage institutions and customs of human society had been embodied in folk ballad long before .

  2. 它虽是一首民间歌谣,其所反映的内容却与汉末政治社会之情况暗合。

    The contents of this ballad are actually related to politics and society at the end of the Han Dynasty .

  3. 张清水的民间歌谣搜集实践与研究

    Discussion on Collecting and Researching of Folk Songs by Zhang Qingshui

  4. 刍议中国民间歌谣中的文论思想

    The Theory of Literature and Art in Chinese Folk Songs

  5. 徽州民间歌谣的押韵特征

    Characteristics of the rhyme in the ballads in Huizhou district

  6. 徽州民间歌谣中的妇女形象

    Women image in the folk songs in Huizhou

  7. 第一部分从形式的化用、手法的借用、语言的妙用以及童谣的滋养等四个方面,论述黄遵宪的诗作对客家民间歌谣的吸收与借鉴。

    The first section is to discuss what Huang Zun-xian absorbed in the folk song and proverb of Hakka .

  8. 周、汉两代民间歌谣的婚恋主题比较研究周刊[月刊,双月刊]

    A Comparative Study on the Subject of Marriage and Love in the Folk Songs of Zhou and Han Dynasty ;

  9. 中国古代诗词曲的发生、发展,无不受到民歌的影响,民间歌谣是古代韵文得以产生和发展的基础。

    Folk songs exert great influence on the origin and the development of the ancient Chinese poetry , Ci and Qu.

  10. 宋代独特的社会环境使得产生于宋代的民间歌谣呈现出许多不同于其它时代的特色。

    The unique social environment of the Song Dynasty nurtured its own special folk songs , quite distinct from other times .

  11. 第三章重点探讨宋代民间歌谣所蕴含的社会内容,并重点考察谶谣的社会内容和时代色彩。

    The third chapter focuses on the social content inherent in the Song folk songs , emphasizing on its social content and the era color .

  12. 重庆抗战歌谣是指抗日战争期间,由重庆人民创作并广为流传的与抗战有关的民间歌谣。

    Chongqing Folk Songs of Anti-Japanese War refer to folk songs associated with Anti-Japanese War , created by Chongqing people and widespread during that war .

  13. 民间歌谣是劳动人民集体的口头诗歌创作,属于民间文学中可以歌唱和吟诵的韵文部分。

    Folk songs are working people collective oral poetry creation , they are belong to folk literature can be sing and reciting verses of the part .

  14. 从易卜生对待民间歌谣以及民间文化的态度和做法,我们可以找到一条切实可行的民间文化的传承路径:将民间艺术形式与现代精神品格相结合。

    In the end , a feasible strategy can be drawn from Ibsen 's poems to inherit folk culture : infuse folk form with modern spirit and quality .

  15. 绪论部分简要介绍宋代民间歌谣研究的已有成果及研究现状,并指出宋代民间歌谣的研究仍有空间。

    The introduction part briefly describes the existing achievements and research status of folk songs in Song Dynasty , and points out that there is still room for further research .

  16. 民间歌谣在新农村文化建设中的作用不可小觑,我们应该加大传承力度,保护好了才能够更好地发展和提高。

    The role of folk songs in the new rural construction should not be overlooked , we should increase the heritage efforts to protect better able to develop and improve .

  17. 作者依据田野调查得来的第一手资料,论述维吾尔民间歌谣中“阿希克调”唱词的主要内容及音乐形态方面具有的维吾尔传统音乐的特点。

    Based on the firsthand materials attained from countryside , the author discusses the main contents of librettos of Axike mode and the traits of traditional Uygur music in musical formation .

  18. 《行路难》是一支产生于汉代、流行于南北朝的歌调,经历了由乐府挽歌、民间歌谣而演变为说唱曲的发展过程。

    Originated in Han Dynasty and being popular in North and South Dynasties , the tune , named Xinglunan , went through three forms : dirge , ballad and narrative song .

  19. 在艺术形式上体现出民间歌谣的特征:歌唱的因素、回环的句式、节与节的反复、民间的机智和幽默风趣。

    In terms of artistic form , Ibsen s poems also demonstrate traits of ballads such as elements of folk songs , circular sentence structure , stanzaic repetition , and folk humor .

  20. 对这一具有深远意义的课题进行研究,既能凸现民间歌谣的光辉,又能拓展女性文学研究的领域。

    The research on the profound subject will not only help to enhance the excellent our traditional culture , give prominence to brilliance of ballad , but also develop female literature field .

  21. 作者陈琳生括在汉末,死于公元217年,虽然他属于贵族士人,但这首诗仍然反映了民间歌谣的影响。

    Chen Lin lived at the end of the Han dynasty and died in ad217 , and although Chen Lin was a literary aristocrat , this poem shows the influence of popular ballads .

  22. 第二节主要是论述当代枣庄作家对鲁南文化的反哺。从文学题材、土语方言、民间歌谣、风俗习惯等方面加以论述。

    The second section demonstrates regurgitation-feeding effect of contemporary writers in Zaozhuang on the culture of southern Shantung from the aspects of literature subject matter , local dialect , folk songs and customs , etc.

  23. 我们应该构筑适合民间歌谣传承的文化环境,并注入新鲜血液,凸显地方特色,为民间歌谣的发展提供一片沃土。

    We should build a cultural environment for the heritage of folk songs , and the injection of fresh blood , highlighting local characteristics , provide a fertile ground for the development of folk songs .

  24. 第四章分别从文学意义、史料价值和民俗学角度,深入探讨宋代民间歌谣在这三个方面的价值和影响。

    Chapter IV , the last but not the least , makes a deep analysis of the values and impacts of Song folk songs from the aspects of the literary significance , historical value and folklore respectively .

  25. 由于成武民歌的数量很多,故本文又把成武民歌按照体裁分为五类,即:担经、劳动歌曲、情歌、庆贺歌、民间歌谣。

    As the number of folk songs into a lot of weapons , so this again into force folk into five categories according to genre , that is : Tam , economic , labor songs , love songs , celebration songs , folk songs .

  26. 《易经》虽然是一部卜筮之书,但是里面却包含了许多民间的歌谣,尤其是婚恋歌谣,非常具有代表性。

    Usually " YIJING " is thought as a book of divination in the ancient time , but it really contains many folk songs .

  27. 《古事记》是日本古代官修史书,此书记载了一定的古代史料和许多当时所流传的神话传说、民间故事和歌谣。

    It records the ancient history and many of contemporary myths , legends , folk songs and stories .

  28. 口述史料主要指经过口传或为后人记录成为史料的民间传说、社会歌谣、历史人物讲话、录音录像以及访问调查的原始资料,对这些资料的发掘和整理被称作口述史学。

    Oral historical materials refer mainly to folk legends , social ballads , speeches of historical figures , tape and videotape , and original data of investigations that become historical materials through oral teaching or being written down by later generations .

  29. 徐先生研究的民间文化学领域,主要表现在民间歌谣、神话与鬼话、民俗学三个方面。

    His main research aspects include folk ballads , myth and folklore .

  30. 边地的民间魅力主要体现在边地文化孕育的自由生命形态,乡间话语的大量运用以及边地的民间歌谣等具体的载体上。

    The folk charm of borderland mainly manifests in the free life shape breeding form borderland culture , massive utilization of folk words as well as borderland folk ballad and so on .