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  • minor;ditty;minor key;popular tune
小调 [xiǎo diào]
  • (1) [minor key]∶按小调调式的音调或调性

  • (2) [ditty]∶民间小曲

小调[xiǎo diào]
  1. 贝多芬的《d小调第九交响曲》是他的创作高峰,也是他一生创作思想的总结。

    Beethoven " the 9th of popular tune delivers loud song " is his creation peak , it is also the summary of his creation thought of all the life .

  2. 应结合当地的民俗风情,探索劳动号子、山歌和小调作为当涂民歌的三种体裁,民歌的发展演变规律,审视其文化内涵与美学意蕴。

    We should do research in the evolution law of labor horn , folk song and popular tune with the combination of the local customs and appreciate its cultural connotation and aesthetic value .

  3. 这张唱片包括了C小调的钢琴奏鸣曲。

    This disc includes the piano sonata in C minor .

  4. 曼丽奏完了很长的一支协奏曲之后,高兴地演奏了几支苏格兰和爱尔兰小调,为的是要博得别人的夸赞和感激。

    Mary , at the end of a long concerto , was glad to purchase praise and gratitude by Scotch and Irish airs .

  5. 她整晚一个接一个地大唱民谣和乡村小调。

    She belted out ballads and hillbilly songs one after another all evening .

  6. 肖邦《B小调谐谑曲》的音乐分析

    A Musical Analysis of " Minor B Scherzo " by Chopin

  7. 《升C小调幻想即兴曲》在创作手法上集中体现了肖邦本人独特的浪漫主义特色的创作风格。

    66 centrally embodies romantic characteristics and Chopin 's unique composing technique .

  8. 拉赫玛尼诺夫与他的《c小调第二钢琴协奏曲》

    Rachmaninov and His 《 The Second Piano Concerto in C Minor 》

  9. c小调为管弦乐队而作的第6传奇曲。

    Legend No.6 , for orchestra in C sharp minor .

  10. 你能用c小调演奏吗?

    Can you play the key of C minor ?

  11. b小调为钢琴而作的第7剪影。

    Silhouette No.7 , for piano in B minor .

  12. 弹奏格里格《C小调小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲》有感

    My Impressions on Playing Grieg 's c minor Third Sonata for Violin and Piano

  13. c小调为钢琴,小号与管弦乐队而作的第1协奏曲。

    Piano Concerto No.1 , for piano , trumpet & strings , inc minor .

  14. 巴赫《c小调帕蒂塔》序曲的分析与演奏

    Analysis and Performance of the Sinfonia of Bach 's " Partita in C Minor "

  15. 论李斯特《B小调钢琴奏鸣曲》的创作理念与手法的历史传承与创新

    Liszt 's Piano Sonata in b Minor : Transmission and Innovation of Ideas and Techniques

  16. 浅谈肖邦钢琴音乐与他的《G小调叙事曲》

    On Chopin Piano Music and His " G Minor Ballad ";

  17. 贝多芬《C小调主题及三十二首变奏曲》研究

    The Research of Beethoven 's " Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme of C Minor "

  18. 第一谐谑曲为复三部曲式,b小调,3/4拍子。

    The No.1 Scherzo is compound ternary form , b minor , 3 / 4 time .

  19. 那么我会穿B小调的衣服,也就是蓝绿色的,紫色和还有橙色。

    I would dress in B minor , which would be turquoise , purple and orange .

  20. 这次我不会演奏《g小调奏鸣曲》。

    This time I won 't play The Sonata of G.

  21. e小调为钢琴四手联弹而作的第10斯拉夫舞曲。

    Slavonic Dance No.10 for piano , 4 hands in E minor .

  22. 谢尔盖拉赫玛尼诺夫《E小调第二交响曲》作品.27,第一小提琴分谱。

    Sergei Rachmaninoff , Symphony No.2 in E Minor , Op.27 for Violin I.

  23. 肖邦《f小调幻想曲》结构形式之分析&初涉混合曲式结构基础的生成原理

    Structural Analysis of Chopin 's " Fantasia in F Minor "

  24. 宋瓷上的乾隆题诗第二章阐述B小调奏鸣曲手稿所反映的问题;

    Emperor Qianlong 's Autograph on Song Porcelain the second chapter focuses on the autograph of the Sonata ;

  25. 卡伯瑞拉:G小调大管奏鸣曲(钢琴伴奏版)。

    Sonata for Bassoon and Piano G minor .

  26. G小调波兰舞曲安娜莲娜笔记本。

    Polonaise In G Minor Anna Magdalena Notebook .

  27. 肖邦《e小调第一钢琴协奏曲》的创作与演奏分析

    The Creation and Performance Analysis of Chopin 's Piano Concerto No.1 in E Minor

  28. 终曲,选自第四交响乐,F小调,作品36号(俄)柴可夫斯基。

    Finale , from Symphony No.4 in F minor , Op.36 Tchaikovsky .

  29. 李斯特的B小调奏鸣曲,在十九世纪钢琴文献中占有里程碑式的特殊地位。

    Liszt 's sonata in B minor , is one of the crowning piece among the nineteenth-century piano composition .

  30. 第三章主要是《c小调第三钢琴协奏曲》中贝多芬音乐独特性的体现及其评价。

    The third chapter basically is the third piano concerto c-minor embodiment of music uniqueness in Beethoven and its assessment .